🤍The White Rose Tree🤍

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My og fans know exactly what I'm talking about.

Ships: Lander
Genre: Angst, Fluff


The white rose tree was where they met.

A small, purple-eyed boy stood under the tree that rested on top of a grassy field. Rubbing his arm, feeling lonely. Most of the others ignored him, but he caught the attention of a certain orange-haired boy.

"I'm Luke! You look lonely, wanna come play with me and my friends?" He smiled, holding out a hand to the shorter boy.

"S-sure..." He replied, hesitantly grabbing his hand.

"What's your name?" Luke asked, showing an adorable smile.

"Z-zander... My name i-is... Zander..."

The white rose tree was where they made a promise.

Two ten year old boys sat under the tree, gazing up at the orange and pink hue, engulfed by the rosy clouds.

"Zander?" A yellow-eyed boy muttered, his gaze shifting towards his friend.

"Yeah, Luke?" Zander repled, following Luke's motion as the two made eye contact.

"Do you promise we can stay best friends forever?" Luke asked, blinking at the shorter boy.

Zander's face lit up. "Yes! I would love that!" He squealed, pulling Luke into a hug.

The white rose tree was where they had some of their best memories.

"Come on, it's not that bad!" Zander exclaimed, glancing down at the other twelve year old.

"What if I fall? Or the tree collapses, and then-"

"For me?" Zander asks, giving Luke a pair of puppy dog eyes.

"You... Fine..." Luke said, not being able to resist the adorable face, and tired of the endless bickering.

"How do you enjoy this?!" Luke exclaims clinging tightly onto the branch. "This is terrifying!" He pouts, his heart pounding out of his chest.

"Isn't it nice though, to just watch over the city? You can't deny it's simply gorgeous..." Zander had a rather large vocabulary for someone at such a young age, presumably from reading so frequently.

Luke glanced over at his purple haired friend.

"Yeah... I guess it's not bad, since I'm doing it with you..."

The white rose tree was where they fell in love.

Luke was the first to fall, Zander following several months later.

Over the years, Zander's personality had changed. He was much more bitter and cold, not happy and friendly like he used to be, however that didn't stop Luke from falling in love with him. When he was with Luke, he turned back into that happy and kind child.

Luke, however, remained the sweet, confident, and caring person he always was.

The pair of fourteen year olds sat under the tree as usual, Zander reading a book, and Luke admiring the soft sheet of white that planted over the city, small snowflakes falling into both of them.

"Hey, Zan?" Luke asked, his stare averting towards his childhood friend.

"What?" Zander replied rather bitterly, annoyed he had to break his concentration. Still, he managed to keep his eyes glued to the words scattered on the page.

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