🪓Breaking Point🪓

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Ships: Lander
Genre: Angst


This one shot is an AU of the music freaks, inspired off of a game I played called "Breaking Point". Also Zander and Luke aren't a couple in this one.


~Trigger warning~

Death, Gore


Zander groaned as he woke. He realised he was sitting at a table, along with 13 students who he all knew.

He glanced to his side, to see his best friend, Luke.

"Welcome." I voice said. it sounded like it came from some sort of intercom. "You're all probably confused. Let me explain. You're all going to play a game. If you look at the center of the table, there's a gun. It's loaded." Zander gulped as he glanced towards the middle of the table, and everyone else did the same. Sure enough, there was a small black hand gun. the voice continued to speak. "Starting with Elliot, going clockwise, you will each get a chance to shoot anyone in this room. You only get one shot, however, as there are only 13 bullets. You will repeat this until there are two of you left. Then, who'ever's turn it is, is in luck. The survivor will be aloud to leave." Zander was still trying to process what was happening. "Oh, and don't try to escape or break the rules. If you do, the consequences will be... Fatal."

Silence filled the room, as Luke slowly grabbed Zander's hand from underneath the table. "Well! Begin!" The voice snapped, followed by a menacing cackle.

Elliot slowly reached for the gun. He glanced around the room. Then, the lights went out.

The shooter has decided to kill in secret.

A gunshot was heard, then the dim lights flickered back on. Several screams could be heard, as Zander noticed a gap between Drew and Lia, where Zoey was seated seconds earlier. He stretched out and glanced over the table, to see the green eyed girl laying there with a bullet hole on her upper collarbone. Blood was spilling from her mouth, as Zander felt sick.

Zoey has been eliminated.

Zander looked at Elliot, who had some sort of psychotic look I his eyes. His gaze averted towards Milly, and the pair stared at each other for a second, before Milly lightly nodded. Elliot passed the gun to Daisy, who took the gun, her hands trembling. The lights flickered off once again.

The shooter has decided to kill in secret.

A gun shot fired, and the lights turned back on. More screams were heard, as Zander saw Liam's limp body slumped against his chair, a bullet wound where his heart was.

Liam has been eliminated.

Daisy closed her eyes and handed the gun to Stacy. Zander suddenly got this sick feeling in his stomach. He was aware of Stacy's feelings towards Luke, it was quite obvious. And the fact Zander was clinging onto the orange haired boy like a bat to the ceiling didn't increase either boy's odds.

Stacy glared at Zander for a moment, as if she was debating.

The shooter has decided to kill in public.

The lights didn't turn off this time. Zander accepted death, and squinted his eyes shut. He heard the gun shot, but felt no pain.

Henry has been eliminated.

He slowly opened one of his eyes, than the other, to see Henry's corpse collapsed onto Liam's. Zander darted his head toward Stacy, who was staring back at the purple eyed boy. The made eye contact for several moments, before Stacy blew at the top of the gun and handed it to Lia, who was staring in horror at the three dead bodies next to her.

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