🎉New Years🎉

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Ships: Lander
Genre: Fluff


Luke and Zander quietly snuck upstairs, careful not to catch the attention of the others. They were all at Hailey and Zander's house, celebrating the birth of a New Year, and the ending of an awful one.

One good thing did come out of 2020, however; After years of pining over each other, Luke and Zander were finally a couple!

Normally, they would be downstairs celebrating with the others, but they wanted to be alone. So, they decided to sneak onto the roof and watch the fireworks from there, instead of live television. Just like they used to.

Zander opened his bedroom window, climbing outside and grabbing onto the roof, attempting to push himself up. Due to his weak arm strength, he almost fell down. Luckily, Luke had his arm behind his back and caught him, pushing him back up

After he made sure Zander was on the roof, he climbed on himself. Zander grabbed his arms, helping him up. Luke still wasn't fond of heights, but Zander's roof gave him a feeling of comfort, and nostalgia of his childhood.

Once they were both up, they sat down at the top of the roof, waiting for the fireworks to begin.

When they finally did, the childhood lovers looked up at the sky, glancing at the crackling fireworks underneath the thousands of stars. The loud sound of the fireworks always startled Zander a bit, he had quite sensitive ears, so, he clung onto Luke's arm, as the auburn-haired boy gazed down at him.

Suddenly, they heard a crowd erupting into cheers, and the fireworks formed the number "2021".

Knowing it was midnight, Luke tilted Zander's head up. "Time for my midnight kiss..." He purred, leaning forward as the pair pulled into a sweet kiss.

When they pulled away, Zander glanced up into his favourite pair of butterscotch eyes, as his rare gentle smile fell onto his face.

"Happy New Years."

♥ ♥ ♥

Hey guys!
I'm sorry this was quick and rushed, I wanted to finish it before midnight, which didn't give me a lot of time. Yeah, I should've started it earlier.

Anyways, as always, I hope you guys enjoyed!

Happy New Years! Bai!!

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