My departure from the fandom.

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I'd like to start off by saying thank you all so much for 100k reads on this book! It's insane to think how far I've come, and how many people I've made happy with my writing. 2 years ago when I started this I never would've imagined I'd make such an influence and inspire so many young minds, and that's a feeling of joy nothing could live up to.

Now we'll get to the serious part.
I'm sure many of you could've predicted this would've happened sooner or later, given my inactivity. This has been a long time coming. I used to update this book weekly, back then I had so much motivation and so many new ideas.

Of course I still have that motivation and new ideas, just not for TMF. I've started to stray away from fan fiction and want to put my talent to use for my own personal stories.

For the last six months, uploading on this account has been a chore. As well, my reads and votes have been declining, and that's largely because there are many other people like myself who have lost interest in TMF.
I no longer love the series. When I watch new episodes, I only see flaws and room for improvement, which I hate. For me this has been the biggest sign that I simply no longer enjoy it. And, the series has been going on for nearly three years, I'm sure many other people feel the same.

Also, while you guys, my lovely readers, have always been delightful, the things I've heard/seen on other platforms about this fandom are simply horrible. This is a toxic fandom, and I no longer wish to associate myself with it.
I do hope you guys will be supportive in my decision to leave.

And yes, my leaving does mean all my ongoing fan fictions will be discontinued. (With the exception of Dear Diary, I actually do plan on finishing that one since it's short and easy, though it will take a while)

But, hopefully this won't be the last that you see of me. I'm writing my own story right now, and I'd love to post it on this account! But that's only if you guys would read it, of course. So do let me know what you think!

Lastly, I wanna end with saying thank you. You guys have been nothing but supportive and loving on my journey through this fandom. So many times I was down or insecure about my writing, you guys didn't hesitate to cheer me up and praise me with sweet compliments, and even if it was through a phone screen, I smiled.
I would've quit writing so long ago had it not been for you guys. Your sweet and funny comments never failed to make me laugh (or in some cases, tear up). Who knows? Maybe some day, all my dreams will come true and I'll write a New York Times best seller, and I'll have you guys to thank.
I've never even seen what any of you look like yet you've been the most supportive people through my career. For that, I'll always be grateful.
So truly, thank you. I love you guys.

I've been staring and re-reading this for 30 minutes. Once I upload this, it's done. That chapter of my life is closed. This series has been such a huge part of my life, and I'll surely never forget it, but that's what makes it so hard to say goodbye. For three years this show and fandom were my outlet. My place of comfort. (Geez, I'm tearing up-) I don't wanna do this but I've procrastinated it for four months now. Hitting that 100k reads milestone was it, I no longer had a reason to keep uploading, no more procrastination. It's time, here goes nothing.

Gosh im so used to saying "see you next time", but I guess there won't be a next time, huh?
Have a great Christmas.

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