🌌 Apologies 🌌

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Ships: Lander
Genre: Fluff


Zander stood at the doorway of the guest room in the house he shared with his boyfriend, awkwardly shuffling his feet, unsure if this was a good idea.

He finally ripped his gaze off the ground, and towards Luke. The latter was tightly tucked into the bed, a fluffy white blanket wrapping him. His chestnut locks tussled over his face, which was being gently tickled by the velvety, soft silk pillowcase his head laid on. The dim gold shining from the night light lit up the room just enough to brighten his already gorgeous features.

Zander always thought Luke looked adorable when he was sleeping. So peaceful, so safe. As if, the worst catastrophe could take place, and this cherished angel would remain untouched, because the universe was doing everything it possibly could to keep him protected.

The mauve-haired boy contemplated whether he should walk into the room or not. Several hours earlier, he and Luke had gotten into a fight. A bad one, at that. Due to his tired state, Zander couldn't quite remember all the details, but he knew it started as a small disagreement, which escalated.

That was the reason Luke was sleeping in the guest room.

Normally, when they'd have a fight, Luke would be the first to apologise. And if Zander did first, he'd always take at least a day or two. However, today was different.

Zander had gone to bed, then he had a nightmare. It started out as a good dream, he was out on a date with Luke. Then, Zander proposed—something the pianist had been planning on doing for quite a few months now—and that was when the nightmare started. Luke declined his proposal, rather coldly, and the world around them went pitch black. All Zander could see was the man he loved walking away from him, and there wasn't anything Zander could do to prevent it.

Being left was one of Zander's greatest fears. Nightmares weren't exactly uncommon, due to his rather unhappy early childhood, and whenever he did have nightmares, they almost always involved someone he loved leaving him. The same way his father did.

Zander knew he was being irrational. Luke wouldn't end their relationship that was now nearing 8 years, over one silly fight. That just wasn't the type of person Luke was.

Something in Zander's gut just told him he should apologise. He just had a feeling.

Though hesitant, he stepped into the guest room, approaching the bed.

He stood in front of Luke, slightly crouching to match his level more. He peered at him for a moment. Luke looked so tranquil, Zander hated that he was waking him up.

Zander placed a hand on his boyfriend's arm, gently shaking him. "Luke," He whispered, not wanting to startle him, "Wake up."

The drummer's familiar butterscotch eyes fluttered open, slightly squinting from the light. Once he adjusted, he looked at Zander, his gaze softening.

"Zander?" Luke murmured, his voice groggy. "What are you doing?" He freed one of his arms from the blanket, rubbing his eye.

Zander slightly pursed his lips, just realising now he hadn't thought about what he'd say once he woke Luke up. "I just, um," He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to find the right words, "I'm sorry, Luke. That fight was stupid and preventable, I said a bunch of mean things to you that I didn't mean, and I'm sorry."

Luke exhaled, gripping onto the blanket and lifting up the corner, making room for Zander to climb in. "C'mere..." He mumbled, his voice still low due to his state of fatigue.

Though confused, the shorter boy sat down on the bed, crawling under the cover. As soon as he did so, Luke tucked the blanket around both of them. He placed his hand on the back of Zander's neck, pulling him into his chest, nestling his face into Zander's soft, messy amethyst coloured hair.

Zander's face slightly reddened at how close they were. Though, he cleared his throat, speaking up, "So..." He murmured, "About the fight..."

"Shhh..." Luke quickly shushed him, "We can talk about that in the morning... I'm tired."

"Okay..." Zander faltered, "But I'm sorry. I just want you to know that."

"I'm sorry too, but we can continue this conversation in the morning. I'm sleepy," The auburn-haired boy coaxed. His hold on Zander tightened, and he placed a kiss on his forehead. "Go to sleep, baby."

Zander let a small smile form on his face, as he snuggled closer to the taller boy. "I love you."

Luke buried his face into Zander's hair, soothingly rubbing his back. "I love you too."

The two fell asleep cradled in each other's arms, grateful they weren't fighting anymore.


I threw this together because I haven't written anything TMF related for a while, then when I was reading over it I realized how bad it was-

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed despite how crappy the writing is
I'm also very sorry for my inactivity in this book, I'm trying my best but I'm running out of motivation and interest in the fandom-
See y'all next time also thanks to all of you who still read this book lol


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