💍Our Special Day💍

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A/N: I posted a bunch of new one-shots! You guys probably didn't get notified because I just took some ones I didn't like and just re-did the chapters to new one-shots- sorry if that's confusing-
Anyways, y'all can go check those out!

Ships: Lander
Genre: Fluff


"Oh God, what if he gets cold feet, and cancels the wedding?! Or what if he just doesn't show up?! Or what if he-"

"Zander!" Hailey claimed, grabbing her brother's shoulders, "Don't worry! This wedding is going to go perfectly! I'll make sure it does! And Luke isn't going to get cold feet, okay? He loves you, more than anything." 

Zander stared at her for a few seconds, before his expression relaxed, letting out a sigh of relief. "You're right, I'm overreacting. I just, want our special day to be perfect..." 

"And it will be!" Hailey cheered. 

"Hey, guys, it's almost time." Milly suddenly popped her head into the dressing room. 

"Okay, we're coming!" Hailey said, as the pink-haired girl left, "Are you ready?" She asked, turning to her brother.

"Yeah," Zander sighed, looking into the mirror as he adjusted his suit. It was quite simple, black with a purple tie. "Thanks for being my best person, Hailey, I really appreciate it."

"It's my honor, Zander!" Hailey beamed, stepping next to her step-brother as the pair gazed at their reflections.

"I wonder how Luke's holding up..."


"Oh God! Oh God oh God oh God! I don't know if I wanna do this! I mean, once I marry him, I've locked him down! I doubt he's even happy, maybe he felt forced to marry me?! God, I have to cancel this wedding! He doesn't even wanna marry me! Ah!" Luke clutched onto his auburn locks, staring at his reflection. His eyes slightly widened, as a look of insanity crossed his face.

Suddenly, his best man stepped into the dressing room, "Luke, it's almost time." 

"Right..." Luke chuckled nervously, slightly sounding psychotic, "Jake, can I ask you something?"

"What's up?" The hazel-eyed boy asked, jumping onto the small couch at the end of the room. 

"Do you think Zander wants to marry me?" The golden-eyed boy asked, fixing his hair.

"Dude," Jake laughs, "Of course he does. He loves you more than life itself. Besides, if he didn't, why would he have said yes to your proposal?" 

"I dunno... Maybe he felt forced. I just don't wanna drag him into a marriage..." Luke sighed.

"Luke, you guys are gonna be so happy together, I know it." Jake said, shooting a reassuring smile at his best friend.

Luke returned it, taking a deep breath. "Okay, I'm ready."


Zander stood under the blooming white rose tree, waiting for his groom to walk down the row. The couple had picked the instrumental version of the song "A Thousand Years" to play, rather than the traditional "Here Comes The Bride". 

Finally, Luke arrived at the top of the hill. The crowd stood up and turned to him, as Zander quietly gasped. His auburn-haired lover looked stunning. He was wearing a white suit, and had a small white rose sitting in his hair.

He clung onto his mother's arm, as she walked her son down the aisle. Zander caught Luke's gaze, and they smiled at each, before Luke arrived at the end of the row, under the gorgeous tree with the ombre-haired boy. 

His mother kissed his cheek, before retreating back to the crowd.

The crowd sat back down, as Luke and Zander grasped each other hands, gazing into each other's eyes.


"We are gathered here today, to celebrate the love of Alexzander Wickham and Luke Peterson." The pastor said, "You may begin with your wedding vows."

Luke cleared his throat, rubbing his lover's hands, "Zander, you mean everything to me. From the day we met 19 years ago... I could tell you were the one, the only one for me. You make me so happy, and I cherish every single moment spent with you. We are destined to be together, and the thought of being with you every single day for the rest of our lives makes me so euphoric. It's you and me forever, baby..."

Zander's smile grew wider, as he got lost in Luke's stunning butterscotch eyes. "Luke... There are 7 billion people on this planet, and the fact that we found each other, I find amazing... I think that my father leaving me may have been the greatest thing to ever happen to me, because if he didn't, I never would've met you. And meeting you was easily the greatest gift I've ever gotten. Fate may have brought us together, but we will decide our futures together. I'm so excited to start a family and build a life with you! Together..."

A couple of awes were heard from the crowd, as the pastor continued, "Do you, Luke Peterson, take Alexzander Wickham, as your lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part."

"I do." 

"Do you, Alexzander Wickham, take Luke Peterson, as your lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part."


(The ogs know, they know)

Luke playfully rolled his eyes, "That response was so... Zander."

"Then, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you married! You may seal this ceremony with a kiss!" The pastor exclaimed.

The now-married couple smiled at each other, closing the gap between them as they pulled into a passionate kiss. 

The cheers of the crowd were heard, as white petals from the roses above them fluttered onto the young couple.


"Hello everyone!" Hailey exclaimed, earning the attention of the guests, "I'm Hailey, I'm Zander's sister, and his best person. If I could have your attention, I'd love to make a speech!" She stated, "These two have known each forever, longer than I've known my own brother. They trust each other a lot, and I've had the honour to watch them grow in love." She suddenly turned toward the two grooms, "I wish the best for you two. I know you guys are endgame. To Zander and Luke!" She exclaimed, raising her glass. The crowd did the same, cheering.

The now-married couple sat at their table. Zander turned towards his husband, catching his gaze. The pair softly smiled at each other, entwining their fingers under the table.


Zander and Luke slow danced under the moonlight and white roses fluttering onto them. The harmony of the song "Perfect Two" hummed in the background. Despite all the guests looking at them, they felt alone in their own world. 

"Zander..." Luke mumbled.

"Luke..." Zander mused, moving one of his hands from his auburn-haired husband's neck, to his cheek.

"We're married now," Luke smiled, "We're gonna be together forever..."

"Forever and always," Zander added, pressing their foreheads together, "I love you, so much, Luke..."

The golden-eyed male smiled, "I love you more than anything, my Zander..." He placed a kiss as gentle as snow onto the black-haired man's lips, "This is all just so perfect... So unreal..."

Zander grinned, nuzzling their noses together.

"This is our happily ever after, Luke..."




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