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Friday night.

Milly had invited all of us to her place for a slumber party, or something, I dunno.

We mostly just hung around for a few hours, now we were set up in the living room, watching a movie. It was probably close to midnight, and I was getting pretty tired.

My eyelids feeling heavy, I gazed around at my fellow club members. Milly and Jake were on both sides of the ridiculously large sofa, while Sean and Hailey had set up their sleeping bags on the ground.

Milly's dad had set up an air mattress, which Luke and I were cuddled up on. I was pressed close against him, his arm draped around my shoulder as he stared up at the movie screen, our legs tangled together.

Truthfully, I wasn't paying that much attention to the movie, but instead, it was a battle to stay awake.

I was pretty sure Sean was already fast asleep, and I could tell Jake was nearing the same tired state I was in.

I shuffled around a bit, before gently resting my head onto Luke's shoulder. He nuzzles my hair before softly pecking my head, while I softly smile.

While a few months ago, I wasn't the type to show any sort of affection unless Luke and I were completely alone, I had grown far more comfortable with being affectionate towards him in public. Besides, I doubt any of our friends are paying attention, or care enough to say anything.

I allow my eyes to flutter shut, not bothering to open them this time.


I don't know what exactly woke me up, but something did.

Glancing around Milly's basement, I saw the clock, it was about 2:00 am. Instead of sitting up straight, I woke up lying down, wrapped in the soft, thin blanket that was provided with the air mattress, and I realized Luke must've tucked me in after I fell asleep.

I look up at my boyfriend, seeing him staring down at his glowing phone screen, his free hand picking at his lip, a habit he did when he was nervous.

Everyone else was asleep. Rubbing my eyes, I sit up so I was right next to Luke.

"Hey..." I murmur, guiding his hand away from his mouth as I cup it in my hands. Luke glances at me, his buttercup eyes barely visible in the dim light, as I carefully massage his fingers.

"Hey, honey... Sorry, did I wake you up?" He mutters, leaning forward and delicately kissing my temple.

"No, you're fine," I assure, scooting slightly closer to him. I was telling the truth, he didn't wake me up, I don't know what did.

Maybe it was the air, something just felt *off*.

"What are you looking at?" I ask, gazing down at his phone. He was reading the news.

"Just reading some stuff," He explains. He then shuts off the device, leaving the room in pure darkness, aside from the small amount of pale moonlight that managed to pour through the small window. "Don't worry about it, come on, let's go to sleep."

Luke slowly lays down, pulling the blanket over him. He gently tugs my arm, indicating for me to lie down with him, so I do. He opens up his arms, giving me room to fall into them, snuggling up against his warm body.

Resting on his chest, I dig my face into the crook of his neck. He soothingly rubs my back and places a kiss so soft and delicate onto my forehead.

"I love you," He whispers, his warm breath tickling my ear.

I quietly giggle, snuggling closer to him, "I love you too."

I fell asleep there, bundled up in the arms of the man I love. It was so peaceful...

If only it had stayed that way.


Hey everyone! This is a short incomplete Lander one-shot I write not too long back. I wasn't gonna post this since it's incomplete, but I was pretty proud of the writing quality, and I've been a bit inactive on this book so I thought I might as well!

If you wanna continue this one-shot, or write it a proper ending, or maybe just think of an ending in the comments, go ahead, I'd love to see what you guys come up with! 

Also I know the title isn't the best- I couldn't really think of anything, lol

Despite it being short, I hope you all enjoyed! Until next time, bye!

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