💜"You Love Him"💜

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Genre: Fluff(?)


"Hey, sweetie!" A mauve-haired woman exclaimed, opening the door. There, she saw her son lying on his best, staring up at his ceiling. Though slightly confused about what he was doing, he shook it off, "Are you done your homework? We have to leave very soon if we wanna make it to our restaurant reservation."

"Yeah," Zander groaned, dragging out his tone, "It's all done." He sat up, his tired periwinkle eyes meeting his mother's, "What do you want?"

She took a moment to process, before weakly smiling, "Nothing. That's all." She reached for the doornob, beginning to exit the room. Then a loud sigh was heard.

The violet-eyed woman turned her head, seeing her son rubbing his temples, sees glued to the ground. "Zander?" She softly called out, although he didn't look up, "Is there..." She faltered for a moment, "Something you wanna take about?"

The question seemed to catch Zander's attention, as his head perked up. He blinked at his mother for a moment, before quickly sputtering out, "What? No! Now go!"

"Oh, right," The older woman mumbled awkwardly, "Sorry," She once again walked out, slowly pulling the door closed.

Right before it hit the door frame, she heard her son's voice call out, "Wait!"

She quickly opened the door, a large grin on her face as she gazed at her son, "Yes?!" She eagerly beamed. Truthfully, her son had been growing quite distant recently. She knew it would happen someday, considering the 13-year-old was just entering his teenage years, but still, it was difficult for her to accept.

Zander let out an audible sigh, raking a hand through his tangly plum locks. Slightly moving over, he gestured for his mother to sit down next to him on the bed. She quickly walked over to him, plumping down next to him on the dark sangria sheets.

There was a few seconds of silence, before Zander spoke up, "So, um," He murmured, unsure how or where to begin, "You know my friend Luke?" He asked, switching his gaze towards her.

"The brown-haired one with the mole?" She asked.

"Yeah," The middle-schooler slowly replied, "It's a bit disappointing you had to confirm that, considering he's literally my only friend," He quipped, causing both of them to lightly chuckle at the witty comment. "So," He continued, a much more serious tone taking over, "How do I say this... Recently, I've been seeing him... Differently. I don't really know how to explain it, but I get this super weird, sickening feeling when I'm around him... It almost feels like butterflies. It only started around the beginning of this year, I've never felt like this before," His mother nodded, soaking in each word, as Zander hesitantly glanced at her, "I don't think this is normal, is it?"

"Well..." She grabbed both of his hands, gazing into his confused, distant misty eyes, "I think I may have an idea of what you're experiencing... Do you ever think about him when he isn't around?"

Zander gaped at her for a moment, before averting his glare to the wall next to them, "Sometimes, I suppose..."

"Okay," His mother lightly massaged her son's hands, "Do you do things with him? Even if you have them?"

"Um," Zander pondered for a moment, a small tint of rose on his cheeks, "Well, I go to that stupid carnival that he adores with him every summer, does that count?"

"Yes!" The other gushed, "Now, do you care about his opinion more than anyone else's?"

"Well, yeah, I mean, he's my best friend, shouldn't it?"

"I suppose..." The woman uttered, "I do have one more question."

Her son nodded, indicating for her to continue. "How would you feel if he wasn't in your life? Just say the first thing that pops into your head."

"Empty." Zander simply replied, with no hesitation in his tone.

Her smile grew, dimples showing, "Zander..." She murmured softly.

"You love him."

"What?" The young teenager quickly exclaimed in shock, standing up from his best, "No I'm not! I can't be!" He fell into a spiral of denial, frantically murmured thoughts, questioned, and statements to himself.

His mother quickly took action, calling out his name, causing him to snap out of the panicked state he was in. "I know love. And I see a love burning between you two. You're in love with Luke, Zander. You might not even realize it yourself, but I can see it." Her smile grew, as she silently waited for a response, "Don't give up on him, Zander. Promise me."

There was a long silence, before Zander finally spoke up, "You should go. I have to get ready for dinner." His voice was hushed to a whisper, as he stiffly crossed his arms.

His mother quietly sighed, standing up to leave the room. The latter reached for the doorknob, until her son's voice interrupted her.

"Mom?" He gently mumbled, causing her to look at him.

"I promise I won't give up on him."


Hey guys! sorry for being so inactive on this book recently, lol
I'm currently working on a different book called "Locket of Serendipity."

I don't love this one-shot. It's a very old idea, that I just re-wrote.

Also, happy birthday to Luke! It's actually also my dads birthday so I guess that's cool lol-

Despite that, I hope you all enjoyed! Until next time, bye!!

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