⚰️I Will Never Forget You⚰️

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Beofre we start, tysm for 5k+ reads! I've come such a long way from the first chapter, and I want to thank each and every one of you for reading this book and sticking with me throughout it!

Anyways, enjoy the one-shot!


Ships: Lander
Genre: Angst


Zander stared at the tombstone, with the words, "Luke ______" engraved into it, small tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"One year ago today he died." Hailey said, holding the umbrella over the pair. "He wouldn't wanna see you like this, Zander. He'd want you to move on."

"I'm trying... But I can't..." He mumbles, placing the bouquet of white roses on the ground in front of the rock. "Can I... Have a moment?" He asks, staring down at the tomb of his best friend, before sitting down next to it.

"Oh, yeah, of course." Hailey replies. "Need the umbrell-"

"No." Zander cuts her off. "Just go."

Hailey nods, then turns around to leave. After losing the protection of the umbrella, water begins to fall onto Zander's already cold body.

Hailey hesitantly turns back around, and kneels down next to the grave. "Hey, Luke." She begins. "We really miss having you with us, but you're in a better place now, right? It's hard to believe it's been an entire year since you... Were... Taken, from us..." She continues, slowing down at the last part. "I know we didn't talk that much, but when we did, we got along super well. I never got to tell you this, but I always admired you. You managed to stay calm and positive in the worst situations... Even when you..." Hailey stopped herself, knowing very well Zander finished the painful sentence in his head. "I also admired how you treated Zander. You were so gentle and kind with him... You kept him sane. Zander was a different person around you. You looked after my brother. Thanks for that."

Zander suddenly heard a choking sound. He realized it was Hailey trying to hold back a sob. "I'm gonna miss you... I do miss you... And I always will miss you... You were a good person, and didn't deserve such a tragic fate." Hailey says, finally finishing.

The two of them stared at the tombstone, both in tears. "I'll meet you in the car." Hailey sniffles, getting up and walking away from Zander and the grave.

Once he was sure Hailey was out of earshot, he began to talk to Luke. "It's been lonely... I really don't see my purpose of going on without you, but I know you would've wanted me to fight through it. For the first time in my life, I have to face something without you by my side." Zander was now sobbing, barely able to breath. "It's funny how I can't be with you right now... But now's when I need you the most." He manages to choke.

The cold rain falling hard onto his head and back hurt, but that was the least of his concerns at the moment.

"It's been a year. The hardest year of my life." Zander leans his forehead on the tombstone, reminding him of when that tombstone was his alive and well best friend and crush.

"I still hear your voice... Your laugh... I know it's all my mind messing with me, but sometimes I think... Or hope, that it's real." As if on cue, that familiar, deep, comforting laugh echoed in his head. The soothing sound that reminded Zander of home. "It never is." Zander says, his voice shaky, his throat itching from a failed attempt to fight back tears.

Memories and flashbacks of their childhood began to flood Zander's brain.

"No matter what, I'm never going to replace you... No one will ever have what we had..."

"I love you... So much." Zander said, his forehead still on the cold rock.

"I know I should've told you that while you were alive... But I never got the chance too. I wish I did. And I hope you know that I do. I hope you know you mean the world to me... You're everything to me, Lukey. Life without you is miserable." Zander returned to his fit of uncontrollable sobs.

"You're the peanutbutter to my jelly... I need you..." The air suddenly got 100x colder.

"This past year without you has been really hard... But it made me stronger." Zander explains, hoping Luke was listening to him. "I'm starting to move on. I'll... I'll never forget, though."

A sentence rang around in Zander's head. They were Luke's last words, out of all the people around him, Luke chose to say his final words to Zander...

"Never forget me"

Zander slightly smiled, tears still gushing down his face. Zander knew he would be reunited with Luke soon enough, and they could be together for the rest of eternity...

Zander got up, ready to leave, but not without whispering one final sentence to his best friend.

"I will never forget you..."


Did I say I wouldn't update until the release of Ep. 5? Yes. Did I follow through with that plan? No.

I need some requests, so feel free to request a ship/one shot idea!

I should seriously stop being so obsessed with Lander... I think it's unhealthy...

Anyways, I started a new book called "The Love Letter Game" I plan on making the first chapter after the release of Ep. 5 (Hopefully I follow through with that plan-) I'll tell you guys when it's out!

Until next time, bye!

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