🔪The Final Canon🔪

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TMF Hunger Games AU
If you don't know what the hunger games are, basically there are 12 districts that all work for the capital. Every year, 24 kids are chosen (A boy and girl from each district, from ages 12-18) and put into the hunger games for the capital's entertainment.

Ships: Lander
Genre: Angst

Trigger Warning
Slight gore

♥♥♥ (*** = Flashback)

The familiar canon boom rang around the arena, as Luke glanced up at the sky, seeing the face of the female tribute from district 5, Sadie. A day earlier, he would've bet she was killed by another tribute, but Luke was quite sure the forest fire the game-makers had sent out was her cause of death. It was spreading through the forest fast. Luke was now alone in the arena with that monstrous, blood-thirsty lunatic from district 2.

Luke clutching onto his ax, approaching the direction of the cornucopia. This was it. The moment everyone had been waiting for. The final battle. Only would canon would boom, the final canon, before Luke or his contestant was crowned victor.

It was him against Jake, a well-trained tribute from 2. One of the richer districts, and the capital's lapdog. Luke resented the careers. Those from districts 1, 2, and 4 were trained their entire lives in special academies, taught by previous victors, and when they turned 18, they would volunteer.

Jake was the same age as Luke, only 16, meaning he was strong enough to get out of training two years earlier than most. Luke knew for a fact, that right from the start, Jake was out for his blood, for multiple reasons.

Luke had volunteered for his best friend, (And lover, but nobody knew that) and the capital immediately adored him. Someone volunteering from anywhere other than a career district was rare, so luke immediately got the attention.

And for that, Jake was out for the final canon.


"And the male tribute who will have the honor, of representing District 7 in the 68th annual hunger games, is..." Daisy, District 7's escort, said. She reached into the bowl, slowing swaying her hand, deciding which slip to choose.

The suspense was rising. Everyone was hoping and praying they wouldn't be the one joining Stacy, the selected female tribute, in the arena.

The poor periwinkle-eyed girl was on the stage, trembling like a leaf, as small tears formed in the corners of her eyes. Nobody could blame her. She was just selected to enter the Hunger Games, a fight to the death.

Daisy finally selected a paper slip, pulling it out as she unfolded it.

Luke clutched onto his childhood best friend and lover's hand, hoping and praying neither of them would be reaped. Luke knew he would probably be reaped, he had put his name in about 30 extra times, in order to get extra food to feed him and Zander's families.

Luckily, Zander's name was only in there four times (once for each year since his first reaping, which was four years ago), so his loved one would be safe.

"Alexander Wickham!"


A million thoughts rushed through Luke's head, as Zander began trembling. The crowd around them parted, all eyes on the purple-haired boy. Luke felt the pressure on his hand release, as his boyfriend stepped out of the crowd and onto the path, slowly making his way to the stage.

"There's no way", Luke thought to himself. "Out of the thousands of papers in that bowl, she picked one of the four with Zander's name."

Then a thought crossed Luke's mind. Coming from district 7, they specialized in lumber, which gave them an advantage. Most selected tributes have never touched a weapon until their first day of training, as it was illegal to train beforehand. Somehow, the career districts got away with it, due to the capital's favoritism towards them. Working with lumber, most kids in their district learned how to cut wood and swing an ax at a young age, there were only a few that didn't.

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