💛Mommas Boy💛

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Ships: Lander (?)
Genre: Fluff


"Hello, Ms. Peterson!" Zander beamed, as the auburn-haired woman opened the door.

"Zander!" She beamed, "What are you doing here?" She questioned, moving aside, giving the ombre-haired boy room to enter.

"I actually wanted to talk to you," He mumbled, a shy smile crossing his face.

"Oh, of course! Come on in, I'll make some coffee!" She exclaimed, "Is Luke with you?"

"No, he's at work," The violet-eyed male explained. Deborah simply nodded, as the pair walked further into the small house.

Upon arriving at the kitchen, Zander sat down at the counter, while Ms. Peterson began to make coffee.

"So what brings you here, Zander?" She asked, turning her head towards him.

"I think you should be sitting down," The 23-year-old said softly. Curious, Deborah walked around the counter, sitting down next to Zander.

"Of course, what is it?" She mused.

"Well, you raised Luke as a single mother, and I think that's amazing. He looks up to you, and you're his role model. When we were younger, he'd talk about what an amazing mother you all the time," Zander bit his lip, turning away as Deborah's face melted into a sweet smile.

"He did? That's so sweet of him, my little angel..." She sighed, the thought of her son lingering in her mind.

"Yeah, he's such a Momma's boy," Zander snickered, before a serious expression took over his face, "And I know that he means a lot to you. You guys are each other's family, but I want you to know, I'm also family..." Finally mustering the courage to look at her, he gazed into her eyes, which were shining gold, identical to his lover's, "I love Luke with all my heart. I want to stay by his side for the rest of our lives, and even after that. I see my future in him, which is why..." Zander paused, reaching into his pocket, pulling out a small, dark velvet box.

Ms. Peterson gasped as the mauve-haired man opened it, revealing a shimmering diamond ring, "May I have your approval to ask for his hand in marriage?"

"Oh my Goodness, of course!" She exclaimed, pulling Zander into a hug, "You're perfect for him, Zander. You make my boy so happy, and I know you love him very much, and will take good care of him!" She pulled away, examining the ring.

The younger adult let out a sigh of relief before his mouth tugged into a smile, "Do you think he'll say yes?"

"Oh, don't be ridiculous, you know he will," Deborah giggled, "The ring is gorgeous... When do you plan on proposing?"

"Well, I wanted your approval first, but our anniversary is in a couple of months, so..." He trailed off, as the golden-eyed woman's smile grew brighter.

"That's so sweet! I've dreamed of walking him down the aisle for so long... You two are gonna be so happy together, I'm sure of it!" She cheered, "You better bring me grandkids though," she giggled jokingly, to which Zander laughed.

"It means a lot to me that you're okay with him proposing..." Zaner explained, "I love him more than anything, and I'm so excited to start my future with him! Thank you, Ms. Peterson..."

"No, thank you, Zander," The brunette replied, "Throughout the years, I've had the amazing opportunity to watch you two grow in love... Do me a favour..."

"Take good care of my boy."


This used to be a Saisy one-shot, but I changed it since I changed the book to Lander one-shots!

I hope you enjoyed! Bye!!

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