💔Our First and Maybe Last💔

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Before we start, I have a couple announcements!

First of all, thank you so much for 1k reads! It means the world to me and makes me so happy to see so many of you enjoy this! I didn't think I was that good of a writer, lol.

Secondly, credits to @TotallyNotAvara for requesting and inspiring this one shot!

Now, let's continue!


Ships: Lander
Genre: Fluff, Angst


"Hey, Luke can i talk to you for a second?"

Luke looked at the door at the rest of the band members walking out of the room.

"Sure, what is it, Zander?" Luke asked as I shut the door.

"Why are you so quiet recently? These past couple weeks you barely talk anymore." I say as I walk up to him.

"Oh, it's nothing really." Luke said as he avoided my eyes.

"No, come on. Tell me." He finally looks at me, with those gorgeous golden eyes that I fell in love with.

"I said it's nothing. Why so you care anyways, Zander?" He asks rather harshly.

"Because, ever since we were kids we've told each other everything. You've let me know on every detail in your life. It's natural for me to be weirded out when you leave something out." I say, trying to stay calm. He hates when I snap at him.

"God, Zander! It doesn't even matter. Since when do you care about me?"

"Excuse you? I've always cared about you! Heck, you're the most important thing in my life! I think it's you that's the problem! Ever since you started talking to that girl from your art class, you like her, don't you?"

"Oh, this again?! What's it to you, Zander?" Luke said. He didn't yell, but he lashed out at me. He's never lashed out at me before.

"Because I love you, idiot." I think to myself.

But no, I'm not gonna let him win this fight. I need to know what's bothering him so I can help him. He's always been there for me, I'm just returning the favour.

"Luke, I'm sorry. Can you just tell me what's bothering you so we can get through it together?" I grab his arm.

"God, just leave me alone!" He pulls out of my grasp, and that's when the real argument starts.

Names were called, things were said that neither of us meant. At some point, the words "Heartless jerk" came out of my mouth, and he looked like he was about to cry.

I wanted to shove the words back into my mouth the second they came out, but it was too late for that. I could see the tears falling down his face when a sharp pain hit my right cheek.

He slapped me

Some people from the hallways heard the commotion and came in and stopped the fight. Luke grabbed his bag and left. Right before he walked out the door, he said three final words.

"I hate you."

The second he left, I broke down and started balling my eyes out. Knowing very well I just lost my best friend of 12 years. The boy I was in love with.

1 Week Later

Hailey and I walk in silence until her phone rings. She pulled it out, after she read it she looked shocked.

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