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Sorry in advance- This one is very short


Ships: Lander
Genre: Angst


"Please! Just- Don't go!" Zander cries, collapsing onto his knees as he reaches out to the autumn haired boy. Rain pattering hard against both of them, however they both ignored it. The air felt musty, the scent of clove and smoke lingering around.

"I'm sorry... I just... Fell out of love..." Luke said, clear water droplets glossing over his golden eyes. He began to walk out of the gloomy alleyway.

"That's not him." Zander thought to himself. He could hear Luke's voice, but that wasn't Luke talking.

"No..." Zander managed to choke through his sobs. "You're not gonna leave me... Y-you love me! You're j-just not thinking straight..." The rain grew heavier, as Zander winced at the loud clash of thunder. "I know that I messed up, but I'm so sorry... Please..."

"I forgave you, Zander! So many times, you screwed up, and I forgave you. But I will never forget." Luke spat, pulling his red jacket off his waist and slipping it onto his arms. "Never." Zander could hear the venom in his voice.

"All our years of friendship, do they mean nothing to you?! You're so willing to just throw it all away!" Zander was angry. Not at Luke, in fact, mainly at himself, since this was his fault.

"What you did was unforgivable, Zander! Which is why I have to move on..."

"What happened to you!" Zander snapped, as Luke finally looked at him. "The Luke I know would never do anything to hurt me! What happened to him?! What happened to the Luke I fell in love with?!" Zander's sobs got stronger, as he pressed his hands against the floor, so that all four of his limbs were on the ground. "I-I thought you said we were made for each other! I love you, Luke! Please don't do this..."

"Our relationship was bound to drown, if I was the only one swimming..." And just like that, Luke was gone. Disappearing into the empty, dark night of the city. Leaving Zander all alone in the alley, with nothing but regret.

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