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Tysm to @TotallyNotAvarafor requesting this one-shot! Happy belated, Ava!

Ships: Lander
Genre: Angst, Fluff


Luke felt a large pain in his throat as his normally smooth drum rhythm slowed down.

He fell to the ground, choking on something. Not quite sure what, but something.

He could hear his names being called and the other instruments stopping as someone fell beside him.

"Luke!" His best friend shrieked in horror as blood splattered all over the grey carpet.

"Is he okay?!" Hailey asked as he could feel her hand go onto his shoulder.

"Somebody do something!" Zander exclaimed as he could see Luke slowly losing consciousness. "No no no, come on! Stay with me!" Zander sad in a panicked yet quiet tone as he lightly shook Luke.

"I'll get the nurse!" Milly exclaimed as she dashed out the door.

Luke coughed up more blood, causing him to gain more consciousness. He was coughing none stop, trying to get whatever was in his throat out.

Then he could feel it. The familiar feeling in your stomach that appears moments before you vomit.

Luke jumped to his feet and dashed out of the room, the band members calling his name in the process.

He could hear the footsteps and the voice of Zander following him. However, Luke didn't stop. He kept running, and eventually lost his best friend.

He finally reached the bathroom. He leaned over the sink and opened his mouth. It was a few more seconds before he gagged. The second time, he vomited...


Once he was done, he attempted to spit out the taste of metallic blood before he looked over at the sink. There was something inside the pool of blood, that was slowly vanishing into the drain. Luke picked it up.

A white rose petal.

White roses. Zander's favourite, of course.

Luke let out a shaky breath, knowing very well he had finally caught the Hanahaki disease. His feelings for Zander were growing too strong, and were now trying to kill him.

Luke wanted to confess the night of the band competition, however he lost the confidence when the club had lost.

Luke stared at the bloody petal, deciding what he could do.

He couldn't tell Zander. He simply couldn't. If Zander didn't return the same feelings, Luke would die.

Recently, Zander and Luke had been growing apart. Zander was pushing him away. Luke didn't want to admit it, but their 12 year long friendship was coming to an end.

"Maybe he's finally realising he deserves a better best friend." Luke thought to himself, a fake smile falling onto his face. "I hope he'll find someone who'll make him happy."

Luke could either get the surgery, but then he would never be able to love again, or he could just ignore the disease. Maybe if he was lucky enough, his feelings would fade away before it got to the point where the petals would suffocate him. Luke knew that was very unlikely.

"Luke! There you are." Luke could feel two warm arms wrapping around his torso. "I was so worried! Are you okay?!" Zander asked as Luke turned around, returning the hug.

"Yeah. I think I just had too much to eat." Luke explained as his face started to heat up.

"Are you sure?" Zander asked as the pair broke away.

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