🪽Caged Angel🪽

458 16 11

Genre: Angst
Other ships: One-sided Juke
Trigger warning(s): Suicide, torture, kidnapping, murder, gore, death, toxic/abusive relationships

This one-shot is based off the mini animation "Cage". It is a metaphor for abusive relationships.


Sunlight beams into the office, tall walls decorated with oil paintings of him.

His angel, his beautiful angel.

Jake stood, his arms pinned behind his back, gazing out the windows of the room, overlooking nothing but clouds and bright sunlight. He adjusts his suit, glancing at the mirror, making sure his slicked back hair looks fine. He ruffled it a bit, trying to take some attention away from his sharp horns.

He looks over at the large, light grey statue he had made, a replica of his angel, of course. 

He grabs the bouquet of violet roses he had left on the dark oak desk. Today, he would try again.

Jake steps into the cellar, a narrow path leading up to the cage. The cellar was a large tower, vines grown over the walls, and only a bit of sunlight was let into the room, from the only window on the ceiling right on top of his angel. He always thought that to be fitting.

At the end of the path was the cage. The white, giant bird cage, surrounded by various plants, flowers and greenery, some growing their way through the cage.

And inside the cage, of course, was him. His angel.


Sunbeams shone over him, his large, feathery white wings wrapped around him. His auburn hair shone gold, freckles visible on his delicate face. His pale yellow robe, though rough and dirty from the cell he was kept in, still complimented his figure nicely. His halo glowed over his face, almost masking the gloomy, miserable expression he held. Making him look peaceful, almost.

Jake's boots clacked against the cement path, and he finally arrived in front of the cage, towering over the angel inside it.

Luke's shining canary eyes flickered open, though were now dull and foggy. Lifeless.

He glanced up at Jake. The devil knelt down on one knee, his grin showing off his sharp teeth, as he held out the bouquet to his angel.

Luke glanced between Jake and the bouquet several times, his gaze unimpressed.

The bouquet hit the ground with a thud. Jake looked surprised for a second, before anger overtook his face. He let out a frustrated scoff, standing up.

He didn't understand what he was doing wrong. Every day, he offered Luke various gifts and symbols of his affections, but Luke never accepted them.

And Jake's patience was running low.

He clapped twice, and the cellar door opened. One of Jake's workers shoved something- someone, into the cellar.

The realisation hit Luke like a brick. His hands clasped the cage bars, his eyes wide, and he let out an anguished yell, shaking the cage violently, desperate to get out of it and run to the person in front of him.

Though Luke hadn't uttered a single word since Jake had kept him here, seeing the love of his life in such a state in front of him, he didn't care.


The mauve-haired angel's breaths were shaky, his hands tied by a rope behind his back. His face looked beat up, and he barely had the strength to glance up at Luke. His halo was gone, and his wings looked broken- they were useless to him. He couldn't escape.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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