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Ships: Lander
Genre: Fluff


This is an AU of what I think happened after the final scene in Ep. 5.


"I love you, Zander..." Luke gazed into his childhood friend's periwinkle orbs.

"I love you too!" Zander exclaimed. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Luke, to which the taller boy quickly responded by hugging back.

The pair stayed like that for a few seconds before pulling away. They stared into each other's eyes, before Luke let out his signature chuckle. "Am I dreaming?" He laughed.

"I hope not..." Zander replied, smiling at the other boy's enthusiasm.

Suddenly, they heard cheering. The pair glanced behind them to see none other then their fellow bandmates getting out from behind a bush. Zander rolled his eyes, as Luke lightly giggled. They couldn't exactly hear what they were saying, but Milly started to chase Sean, and Hailey and Jake followed.

It was an amusing sight, and usually Luke would make Zander go join their friends, but this time they both wanted this moment to last forever, so they turned back to each other.

"So, uhm... Are we... Well, y'know... Dating?" Luke stuttered, nervously looking at the ground.

"Y-yeah- I mean! If you, want to..." Zander replied, averting his gaze towards the trees beside them.

"W-well, if you're comfortable with it, I-I'd... Like to..." Luke mumbled.

Zander gazed at him for a second. Feeling confident, he reached out and grabbed Luke's hand. "I guess we're official then." He said softly, as both boys smiled, still blushing messes. He hesitated for a moment, before quickly leaning forward, squinting his eyes closed and pecking Luke's cheek. The yellow eyed boy smiled in response.

"Do you... Wanna go home?" Luke asked, feeling a little more calm.

"Sure..." Zander replied, as the pair began to walk the direction of their houses.

The first few minutes were awkward, they weren't really talking. However it was more they were both taking in the reality of the situation, and they were each visibly happy. After a while, they started conversation, and quickly picked up on their natural speaking rhythm. Almost forgetting what had happened.

Once they got to the fork in the road, reality hit them like a rock. The awkward yet enjoyable silence returned, and the two refusing to look at each other, blushing madly.

Luke decided he would have to say something eventually, so he mustered up the courage to ask Zander to come over. Zander quickly nodded, as they began to walk to Luke' household. Upon arriving, they went up to Luke's room.

Zander sat down on the bed, while Luke went to get changed. While Luke was gone, Zander spotted a red hoodie on his desk. Luke and his mother always struggled financially, so their house was often cold and dark, since they rarely replaced the lights and thermostat.

It was rather chilly and Luke's room, and Zander's coat wasn't enough to keep him warm, plus, the hoodie looked very soft... He argued with himself for a moment, before remembering when they were young, he would always borrow Luke's hoodies. Zander finally grabbed the sweater and pulled it over his head.

It didn't come as a surprise when the sweater was far too big. Luke had a significantly larger build then Zander did. The red sweater was extremely warm and soft, a sensation that gave Zander a feeling of comfort. Luke walked out in an orange sweat shirt, black leggings and his large, round glasses, which only Zander and his mother knew he wore. He usually put on contacts.

"Are you wearing my hoodie?" Luke asks, smirking.

"Oh... Uh, yeah... It was just cold, I hope it's alright, I can take it off if you want..." Zander muttered, beginning to take the hoodie off.

"No no!" Luke exclaimed, probably too eagerly. "I mean, uh, it's fine. I wouldn't want you to catch a cold."

Zander nodded, before pulling his current book out of his backpack and opening it. He leaned against the headboard. A couple moments passed by, before Luke hesitantly sat down next to his now boyfriend. He gazed at him for a moment, causing Zander to raise in eyebrow. Luke took a deep breath, then placed and arm around the purple haired boy's shoulder.

Zander's eyes went wide, as Luke softly smiled. After a few seconds, the shorter boy leaned against his childhood friend, resting his head on the other boy's chest.

"I could get used to this." Zander thought as Luke wrapped his other arm around him. Perhaps their relationship was moving a bit quick, but they had known each other for 11 years. Plus, they were both comfortable and happy with how things were in that moment.

After about half an hour, Zander placed his book down and decided it would be best to talk to Luke. "Hey, Luke?" He asked, gazing up at the taller boy.

"Yeah?" Luke replied, blinking down at him.

"Uh, wanna talk?" Zander said, quickly looking away as he stared at the wall across from him. He didn't realise how tightly he was clutching Luke's shirt.

"Of course!" Luke beamed. "What do you wanna talk about?"

"Well... Since we're together now... What should I call you...? Unless that's moving too fast for you! if you think it's too soon for pet names- or whatever, that's totally fine! This was probably a bad idea- forget I-" Zander began to ramble, however was cut off by the taller boy.

"I love pet names." Luke giggled, as he slightly adjusted Zander's position in his arms. "What should I call you?"

"Baby or Babe is fine... I guess." Zander muttered, as Luke rested his hand on Zander's which was sitting on the ginger boy's chest.

"Okay, Babe." Luke said softly, Zander flushed red as the taller boy planted a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Suddenly, he got a text from his mother, telling him to start heading home for dinner. "Crap, I gotta go." Zander sat up and began to gather his things.

"Oh, okay. I'll see you soon?" Luke asked, standing up before Zander could leave.

"Yeah. Uh, do you wanna go out tomorrow...?" Zander asked, looking at his feet.

Luke smiled, then stepped forward. "I'd love to." The autumn haired boy tilted his boyfriend's chin up, placing a soft kiss on his lips. "I'd walk you home, but I have to make dinner for my mom and I."

"I know, it's fine." Zander gave up on trying to hide the giant grin on his face. "I... I love you..." Zander muttered.

"I love you too." Luke replied, as Zander headed for the door.

He was about halfway home when he realized he was still wearing the fluffy red hoodie. Luke either didn't notice, or didn't stop him from bringing it home.

Hailey apparently told their parents, because once he got home they kept teasing him. The rest of the day, all Zander seemed to be able to do was think about his autumn haired boyfriend.

When the day was finally over, Zander got into his pajamas, sat down in bed and opened his book. He didn't seem to be paying much attention to it, however. Suddenly, his phone rang. He jumped before reaching over to his nightstand table. His eyes scanned the screen as he read the caller ID.

Luke ❤️

He smiled, as he began to wonder if him and Luke would call every night from now. Zander was so happy. Because after 12 years, he was finally with his crush.


I randomly got this idea, so here ya go :3

I'm really excited to see what they do with their relationship in the future!

Anyways, sorry this chapter was kinda boring..

Until next time, baii!!

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