🥞"Good Morning!"🥞

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Ships: Lander (Future AU)
Genre: Fluff

♥♥♥ (Luke gives Zander like 20 pet names in this one-)

Beans of light shone through the home's many windows, breaching the auburn-haired male in sunlight. However, the only warmth he longed for was that of his husband's soothing embrace.

Luke hummed as he strode into the kitchen. He realized the pancakes were done cooking and quickened his pace to go remove them from the stove. After he finished, he grabbed the batter and poured small circles onto the pan.

He suddenly felt two arms wrapping around him, "Smells good..." Luke smiled at hearing his favorite voice. He spun around, swiftly grabbing Zander's torso, and lifting him up. The ginger boy twirled his husband, as the periwinkle-eyed boy squealed and laughed.

"Good morning!" Luke beamed, finally stopping the spinning. He placed Zander on his midriff, as the ombre-haired man hooked his legs around his husband's waist. Luke then proceeded to place soft pecks all over Zander's face, "How are you doing, Sugarplum?"

 Luke then proceeded to place soft pecks all over Zander's face, "How are you doing, Sugarplum?"

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(Just pretend the background's a kitchen) Background not mine.

"I didn't get enough sleep," Zander groaned, placing his chin on top of Luke's head.

The brunette laughed, "You slept in until twelve, Angel." Luke giggled.

Zander cooed at the nickname. Out of the large collection of pet names Luke had given him, 'Angel' was one of his favorites, on the rare occasion his husband would call him that.

Luke inhaled, getting the fresh scent of clove Zander always carried. The aura brought him a sense of comfort every time.

"Are the kids up?" The shorter man asked, pulled his chin away from his spouse's head.

"No, they're are still asleep," Luke hummed, "They're deep sleepers, just like you, my little dumpling..." He murmured, pressing a soft kiss onto Zander's jawline. He retracted his head, smiling brightly, blinking up at the man he loved.

Zander groaned, suddenly remembering what he had promised his daughter.

"What's wrong, Bubs?" Luke asked, his mouth curving into a pout.

"I just remembered I promised Julie I'd take her and her friends out shopping," Zander sighed, swinging his head down, his forehead gently crashing onto Luke's shoulder.

"Oh, I can take them if you want!" Luke grinned.

"Darling," Zander softly grunted, "You don't have to..."

"No, I will!" Luke exclaimed, "Don't you worry about it, Baby doll," He said, his mouth melting into a delicate smile, which Zander was quick to return.

Instinctively, they pulled into a sweet, passionate kiss. After a few moments, they pulled away, both smiling, as they waited a second before fluttering their eyes open.

"Thank you," Zander giggled.

"Anytime, Pumpkin!" His husband beamed back.

"I love you so much, Luke..." The violet-eyed man mumbled.

"I love you too, Zan," Luke smiled, softly nuzzling his partner's neck.

"Hey!" The two of them turned around, seeing their son, Nolan, standing at the kitchen doorway in his pajamas, a blanket draped around his back, "You're setting the house on fire!" The 12-year-old snapped, pointing at the burning pancakes, which the two childhood friends seemed to have not noticed, too caught up in their moment.

"Shoot," Luke uttered, carefully placing his husband down. He turned off the stove, flipping over the pancakes, seeing their backsides burnt to crisp.

"When are we eating?" Nolan snarled. He had picked up on Zander's attitude throughout the years.

"We'll eat once your younger sister wakes up, but don-" Before Luke could finish, he was interrupted by his son.

"Julie! If you don't wake up this instant, I'll flush your stuffed bear down the toilet!" He yelled, looked at the staircase.

There was a silence before a bump was heard from upstairs, indicating the 10-year-old had woken up.

"Fair enough," Luke muttered, turning towards the fridge. Before he could take a step, his black-haired spouse grabbed his hand.

Zander pulled Luke down to his level, his breath tickling the auburn-haired male's ear.

"I don't believe I properly got to say good morning," Zander smirked, "Good morning, Love."


Luke's Pet Names For Zander:
-Baby, honey, sugar, bunny, sweetie, snickerdoodle, baby doll, cuddle poodle, sweet cheeks,angel eyes, pooh bear, cutie pie, cuddle muffin, twinkle toes, honey bunny, tootsie roll, sweetheart, sweetie pie, honey bunch, butterfly, pumpkin, sweet potato, honey pot, hot tomato, sunbeam, sugar pea, buttercup, bumble bee, love bird, sunshine, superfine angel, mine, pumpkin strudel, dream boat, dumpling, dear heart, darling, honey bear, sweet pea, sugar plum, honey bee, baby cakes, sugar pie, apple of my eye, snuggle bunny, honey dew, sweet peach, hot stuff, angel, my love, gumdrop, pancake, honey bun, cupcake, sugar lips, huggle bear, honeysuckle, puppy wuppy, awesome possum, snugalicious cuddle blossom, cheesecake, mushroom, babykins, chee, my little duckling

(This list is a joke in case you can't tell 😀👍)

Anyways, that aside- I hope y'all enjoyed this rather simple one-shot!
Until next time, baii!

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