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Note: This one-shot was @TotallyNotAvara 's idea! So tysm to her for giving me this amazing request!!

Ships: Lander
Genre: Fluff


Zander watched as Jake flirted with Hailey. He clenched his fists.

He had gotten used to having Jake around, but flirting with his sister? That was a different level.

"Zander?" He spun around to see his best friend (and crush) Luke.

"Oh, hey." Zander said as he allowed his hands to relax. He always felt calm around Luke, yet he never understood why. Something about the boy just lit up Zander's world.

"You were really great today!" Luke smiled as Zander stared it him blankly with brush across his face. "So... wanna head to the docs? The ferris wheel just opened for the summer." Luke suggested, Zander knew how much his childhood friend loved going to the carnival by the docs. Every year Luke would drag him out to the beach to go. At first, Zander hated it, but when he started to develop feelings for Luke, he loved it. Just like he loved Luke.

Zander fiddling with one of his bangs as he glanced at Hailey and Jake. "Yeah, sure."

"Really? Yay! I know how much you hate it, this means a lot to me, Zander!" Luke exclaimed happily.

"I don't mind going with you..." Zander mumbled. Luke didn't reply. Zander turned around flustered to find Luke staring at him, red as a tomato. "Luke?"

"Yeah? Right... sorry, let's go!" Luke exclaimed as he grabbed Zander's arm and sprinted out the door. The sun was already setting, as the music club has stayed behind a while to practice, the competition was coming close.

The pair walked in silence towards the place Luke loved so much. Once they arrived, Luke smiled and looked around, while Zander looked at Luke.

"Come on!" Luke said as he began walking towards the carnival games. Zander quickly followed him.

They stopped in front of the balloon-pop game. "One please!" Luke said as Zander pulled out his phone to text Hailey and his parents.


I'm at the carnival with Luke. Tell mom and dad I'll be home late. Thanks.


Aw, Zandy got himself a date, I see ;)


Shut up.





"Zander?" Zander quickly turned off his phone and shoved it into his pocket. Luke was looking at him with a giant smile splattered across his face.

"Yeah?" Zander asked.

"For you." Luke said as he drew out a brown teddy bear with a red bow around it's neck.

Zander's heart sped up as he took the teddy bear. "You won this for me? Thanks!" Zander said as he cuddled the teddy bear.

"Because you're my teddy bear." Zander darted his head up. Did he hear that correctly?

"What?" Zander laughed as he felt himself transforming into a tomato.

"Nothing." Luke said as his face heated up.

Zander took a step closer to Luke. "Hey..." Zander said as he looked up at his friend. He clung onto Luke's shirt as the pair inched closer to each other.

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