💙Early Morning Cuddles💙

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Ship: Lander
Genre: Fluff


"Lukey! Stop it!" Zander squealed, as his boyfriend continued to tickle his tummy and torso. Luke smiled upon hearing the sound, as he began to wrap his fingers quicker.

Zander's laughs grew louder, as his clutch around the auburn-haired male's neck tightened. Luke continued to tickle his orchid-eyed lover, watching him squirm around in his lap. 

The taller boy finally stopped, as Zander took a moment to catch his breath. His chest rose and fell at a rapid pace, still recovering from his laugh-attack. He rested his head on Luke's chest, softly rubbing against the red scarf. 

"Zander, we better get ready," Luke mused, fiddling with his boyfriend's ombre hair, "We have school in a couple of hours," He said, glancing at the clock across the room, that slashed 6:23.

"Nooo!" Zander mewled, "I want cuddles," He said softly, digging his velvety violet locks into Luke's neck. 

"We cuddled all night, Sweetie," Luke chuckled, recalling the night spent in Zander's gentle embrace. 

"I want more," Zander whined, his arms clinging around the golden-eyed boy growing increasingly stronger, "Give me more cuddles." He pouted. 

Luke sighed in defeat, carefully laying down, pulling his black-haired lover with him. He adjusted Zander's position on his chest, putting his hand on the back of the smaller boy's head, pulling it onto his shoulder. 

"Much better," Zander purred, placing a soft kiss onto Luke's neck, before nuzzling the same spot.

Luke glanced out the window, seeing the soft golden sun beginning to rise over the large city's horizon. The beaming stars were faintly visibly, though one by one disappearing, as the sky was a shade of inky lapis, fading into a pale, yet subtle tangerine on the sun's side. 

"You should stay over more often," Zander mumbled, breaking the comfortable silence, "Then we can cuddle even more..." He beamed, shuffling his face around Luke's neck. 

"Yeah," Luke yawned, "I must say, I do love these early morning cuddles..."

"Not as much as you love me," Zander buzzed, a tint of arrogance added to his usually sarcastic voice.

"Of course, Lovebug," Luke giggled, "Not as much as I love you..."


This chapter was just an author's note before, so I made it this fluff chapter.

I know it's short, but it's a step up from an A/N, right? XD

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed!

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