⭐My Moon, My Sun, And All Of The Stars⭐

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This one-shot is inspired by a prompt I found on a fluff generator.
Also, there's like a Q&A thing at the end-

Ships: Lander
Genre: Fluff


"Okay, pick up some Doritos," Luke said, placing a soft kiss onto his husband's lips.

"I will," Zander assured, then walked out of the apartment door, grabbing his keys on the way.

Luke made sure the ombre-haired boy left, then walked into the bathroom. He opened the closet, and found the glow up stars, along with the two lamps he had bought two weeks prior.

He had been waiting until he was alone in the house to do this. He carefully took the two boxes, carrying it into the master bedroom, where he put them both down on the bed.


Luke spun around, and saw him and Zander's Alaskan Klee kai, Hiccup, jumping out from his dog bed. He crawled up to Luke, his paws pattering against the hardwood as he did so.

Hiccup tilted his head, panting, as if asking his owner what he was doing.

"I'm setting up something for Zander," Luke explained. Hiccup jumped up on the bed, lying down and sinking into the soft bed sheets.

Luke opened the first box, the one with the two lamps, and pulled out the one shaped like a sun. He plugged it into the wall, placing it o the nightstand that was next to his side of the bed.

He then took the other lamp, the one shaped like a moon, and put it on the other nightstand on Zander's side, plugging it into the wall.

Then, he opened the other box containing the glow-up stars. Luke got a step stool from the kitchen, and then proceeded to spread the dozens of glow up stars all around the ceiling of the bedroom.

By the time Zander got back, it was dark out. He walked into the apartment, calling out his husband's name.

"I'm in the bedroom!" Luke called from the open door.

Zander placed down his grocery bags, then walked down the hall into the bedroom. There, he saw his auburn-haired husband standing on a stool, placing the last of the stars on the roof.

"What's this?" Zander asked, glancing around the room.

"Turn off the light," Luke said, stepping down from the stool.

Zander did as told, and flicked off the light. His eyes sparkled at the breathtaking view in front of him.

The sun and moon lamp shone brightly, yellow and a bluish violet. The stars on the ceiling shone white, slightly tinted blue, and the added pale glow from the window gave it an extra sheen of beauty.

"Do you like it?" Luke asked, wrapping an arm around his husband's waist.

"It's..." Zander struggled to find the right words. "Brilliant."

Luke softly chuckled, just as Hiccup woke up from his nap and jumped off the bed, crawling towards his two owners.

Zander gave the dog a small pat, before looking back at the golden-eyed male, "This reminds me of our honeymoon," He explained, "Remember? We had rented the top floor of that hotel, and the ceiling was glass."

"Oh yeah," Luke laughed, recalling the memory, "We fell asleep under the stars."

After a few moments of silence, the two boys taking in the view, Zander continued, "So, why'd you suddenly do all of this?"

Luke's smile grew a bit wider, as he gave Zander's nose a small tap, "Just to remind you, that you, my love, are my moon, my sun, and all of the stars."

Zander felt his heart melt, as he tilted his head, crashing it onto Luke's shoulder.

"Luke, Peterson, I love you."

"Zander Wickham, I love you too."


Sorry this one was rushed- I just kinda threw it together in 10 mins-

Q&N Time! Imma ask you guys some questions! (Mostly TMF related-)

Favourite and least favourite Tmf character?

Favourite and least favourite TMF ship?

(I should've confirmed way back when I wrote this last year but I meant least favourite legal ship)

Favourite TMF Fanfic?

Favourite TMF Author?

Saddest TMF Fanfic you've ever read?

Favourite movie/book series?

What/who got you into TMF?

And finally, which one of my one-shots is your favourite?

You guys can ask me some questions as well! Just put them in the comments and I'll reply the answer, (I don't really wanna make a full chapter for it-)

I hope you guys enjoyed! Have a great day/night! Until Next time, baii!

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