🌃Pool Nights🌃

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Ships: Lander
Genre: Fluff


Luke heard a small scoff next to him. He turned to his boyfriend, who quickly snarled, "This is stupid."

Luke gave a crooked grin, looking at the shorter boy lovingly, "It'll be fun."

"I hate swimming."

"We can just go in the hot tub."

Zander eyed his boyfriend, refusing to turn his head.

Luke's grin widened. "You look cute in my shirt," He remarked.

The mauve-haired boy's face immediately darkened at that, and he gave Luke a light smack on the arm. "It's not my fault I don't have any T-shirts."

"You know, you can buy shirts specifically for swimming," Luke quipped, "So you don't have to get mine wet."

Zander's face scrunched up, and he didn't respond. Instead, he took a step closer to Luke, grasping onto his hand, and they continued their short walk in silence.

The two stepped onto the pool deck, immediately being greeted by their friends. Currently, the group was staying at the lake house Luke's family owned on Vancouver Island. Hailey, Jake, Luke and Zander would be going to college next year, so the group wanted to spend the summer together as much as possible before they all went their separate ways. On this particular night on their trip, they decided to take advantage of the pool.

Despite the sky being pitch black, the area was illuminated by the bright blue pool lights.

"Hey you two! Took you long enough!" Hailey called out from the hot tub, a cherry cola in hand with Jake sitting next to her.

"Oi Lukey Pookie, come play volleyball with us!" Milly called out from the main pool. She beckoned at him, holding the ball, as Sean set up the net.

Luke smiled, and he gave Zander's cheek a quick peck. He then took off the light white jacket he wore over his bare chest and tossed it on one of the beach chairs, then slipped into the water to join Sean and Milly.

"I'll join once I'm done my drink!" Hailey called out.

Zander decided to join her and Jake in the hot tub. He walked over, careful not to slip, then stepped out of his sandals, cautioning into the hot water.

"Hey Zander," Jake weakly called out. He had his arms hung over the edges of the tub, resting his head back. He had a face mask on, cucumbers covering his eyes. Zander couldn't help but snicker at the sight.

"I thought you used to call those masks stupid," The pianist pointed out, still amused by the sight.

"Yeah, I did," Jake sat up, lifting the cucumbers off of his eyes, "Until Luke and Hailey showed me the true importance of skincare."

Zander gave a playful eye roll, before settling down in the hot tub as Jake put the cucumbers back on and returned to his state of relaxation. 

"I still don't understand why you don't buy a swim shirt," Hailey remarked, grabbing her straw and taking another sip of her drink.

Zander's lighthearted expression vanished, and he gave a small scowl, "What's the point when I can just use a normal shirt." He tensely crossed his arms.

"Luke's shirt," Hailey smirked.

Jake snorted, "Ha! He probably just wants an excuse to wear Luke's-"

He was cut off when Zander snatched one of the cucumbers off of his eyes, and shoved it into Jake's moth.

"Shut up!"

Jake laughed as Zander attempted to force the slice into his mouth.

"Hey sweetie,"

Zander paused and turned his head, seeing his boyfriend standing there, a certain malice on his usually happy face.

"Can you come here?" Luke grinned, holding out a hand.

The shorter boy narrowed his eyes, and he saw Luke and Hailey exchange a sly grin, while Jake just stared at Zander, wiggling his eyebrows.

Zander decided to shrug it off, and he got up, immediately feeling a draft of cold air once he left the hot tub. He arrived in front of Luke, and slipped his hands into those of his boyfriend.


Without saying another word, Luke bent down. Zander was confused at first, until he felt his feet leave the group, and in one swift motion, Luke had thrown him over his shoulder, and was now walking, though Zander couldn't see where.

Zander let out a shriek, as he dangled upside down, batting his boyfriend's back. "Luke, put me down!"

Then, suddenly, Luke released him, throwing him forward, and Zander was met with freezing cold water all around him.

He desperately thrashed his arms around until he could breathe again, his head barely above water. Once he opened his eyes, he saw Luke a couple feet in front of him, and he quickly swam over to him, clinging his arms around Luke's neck.

"Luke!" Zander immediately yelled, once he regained the strength to speak, "Were you trying to kill me?!"


"I could've drowned!"


"What were you thinking?!"

"Zander," Luke's stern voice stopped his rant, his honey eyes gazing into Zander before a smile broke free on his face, "Put your feet down."


"Just do it."

Slowly, Zander began to put down his legs, and he barely had to do so before he felt the bottom of the pool. They were in the shallow end.

"Oh." Zander murmured, his face turning pink from embarrassment.

"Aw, I'm so sorry to scare you, baby," Luke gently spoke, digging his face into Zander's neck. "Milly dared me too, I'm sorry."

As if on cue, the pair heard Milly's cackling from the deep end of the pool.

Zander gave her an ice cold glare, tightening his hold on Luke, before looking back at him. "It's fine, but now I'm cold."

Luke raised his face from Zander's neck, their noses touching. "Maybe this'll help..." Luke mumbled, his gaze dawdling to Zander's lips.

The violet-eyed boy slightly smiled, his cheeks rosy as he slipped a hand through Luke's velvety chestnut locks. He felt Luke's arms wrap around him, gently tracing circles on his back. He stared into his golden eyes until they fluttered closed, Zander's doing the same moments later. Soon enough, their lips met.

Kissing Luke had become a familiar feeling for the pianist, including the butterflies that erupted in his stomach every time he did. Still, even if it was a normal thing for them, it always felt so ecstatic. So right.

It was only for a second though, before Hailey yelled out to them, "Already, lovebirds, let's all play volleyball now!"

Luke chuckled, pulling away from their embrace and grabbing hold of one of Zander's hands. "Come on," He coaxed, dragging him towards the group.

Zander grinned to himself, allowing Luke to drag him along. He looked at him, Luke Peterson, the boy who had his heart. The boy he loved.


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