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Ships: Lander
Genre: Angst, Fluff

Requested by: Lander_Forever


"You never pay any attention to me!" Zander yelled.

"What do you mean?!" Luke snapped back, "I buy you everything and anything you need!"

"I don't want your stupid presents!" Zander exclaimed, "I want your company!"

"Well, I'm sorry! It's not my fault I'm busy!"

"Busy with what?! Cheating on me! You're so secretive with your phone, and come home super late!" Zander screamed, clutching onto his head, "Do you even love me anymore?!" Small tears began trickling down his face.

"I don't know, okay?! I don't know!"

The rest of that night was a blur for both of them. The only thing they remembered was a vase was shattered, along with two hearts.


Zander woke up to the piercing sound of his alarm. He reached to hit it, however, another hand beat him to it.

"Good morning..." Luke murmured, his arms still draped around his purple-haired lover.

Zander blinked up at him, wondering if last night was a dream or not. "What happened yesterday...?"

"I was being an idiot..." Luke mumbled, pulling Zander closer to him, "I'm sorry..." He whispered into his ear, "I do love you, I know that for sure..."

Zander dug his face into Luke's chest, softly smiled, "I love you too... I'm sorry. I should trust you more," He looked up at him, "I just get jealous easily... You know that."

"And I'd never cheat on you," Luke smiled, tapping Zander's nose, "You know that."


This one is was a chapter filler. It used to be a Couples Q&A so I changed it to this!

Sorry this was rushed, I hope you enjoyed!

Tysm for the request!

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