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getting out of bed for morning classes will always be the biggest struggle of my life. I dreaded the day I had to go back to school. don't get me wrong I loved university it was the morning classes which I stupidly signed up for that I didn't love. I didn't like waking up at the crack of dawn just so I could take a shower and get ready. I laid in bed for twenty minutes after my alarm went off finally getting the strength to drag my lazy ass out of bed. I went to the bathroom wiping the sleep out of my eyes and turning in the shower. I stripped out of my pajamas then yawned and stretched before stepping into the warm water. I closed my eyes letting the warm water hit my shoulders and back and running down my body. I stepped out of the shower the steam surrounding me and my feet stepping on the cold floor. I grabbed a towel an quickly dried my body before grabbing another towel and wrapping it around my dripping hair. I slipped on some new underwear and bra and socks before walking back out. Louis was still asleep on the bed holding my pillow tightly to his body as his mouth hung open. he is so lucky that he doesn't have to wake up at these satanic hours.

I grabbed a black hoodie from my closet, some black pants, and slipped on my converse and grabbing my black peacoat. I threw my peacoat at the edge of the bed and walked back into the bathroom taking my hair out of the towel and running a brush through it quickly. my hair was obviously still damp so I closed the bathroom door in order to muffle the sound of the blow drier. I quickly blow dried my hair then applied come foundation and mascara to my face before brushing my teeth and walking back out of the bathroom and grabbing my coat.

I slipped out of the apartment quietly and then down the building stairs. once I opened the front doors the cool breeze immediately blew my hair back an hit my face. I already felt my nose begin to run and my eye begin to water. oh how I love the crisp London mornings.

the class seemed to drag on. I had English every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. the class was two hours long starting at 8:30 ending at 10:00 then I was free to go back home. it was a Thursday and I only had English today no other class because I had those at the beginning of the week. so here I was watching the clock slowly moving from 9:55 to 9:56. the professor was droning on about some classic literature and the importance that the book has with stylistic devices. the kid next to me was tapping his pen against his notebook feverishly and I was close to taking the pen from his and snapping it in half. the girl in front of me was twirling her long blonde hair around her pencil and then picking at her nail bed. and the guy to my left was asleep and has been since I sat down. I'm pretty sure he is drooling on his paper too. finally as if the gates of heaven have opened the bell rang releasing us and I grabbed my things quickly before practically running out of the class room. I walked out of the building to see Louis chatting to Theo. I walked up to them holding my books against my chest as I stood next to Louis. he looked down at me and smiled before putting his arm around my shoulder.

"hey babe." he whispered before going back and talking to Theo

"so you have a job opening for me right?" Theo asked his eyes wide with question.

"yes of course mate" Louis said with a shrug before taking my bag from my shoulder and placing it on his. "you can be manager so I have some one watching over the bar when I'm not there."

"are you fucking serious?" Theo asked astonished.

"yeah it's no problem you seem fit for the job. can you start tonight?" Louis asked.

"hell yeah." Theo said excitedly.

"okay I will text you the details and here are my extra keys. and just wear whatever."

"thanks so much." Theo said with a smile before shaking Louis's hand and then pulling me in a big hug. "I won't screw it up." he said quickly.

"you better not." Louis answered back and then Theo left to his next class.

"why aren't you going to work today?" I asked Louis as I got in his car.

he started the car then pulled out before looking at me quickly and turning down the radio slightly. "I haven't seen my baby girl in a long time." he said simply before placing his hand on my thigh and my skin immediately got goosebumps from his touch.

"Lou..." I began.

"it's okay Theo has it all under control." he assured me.

"okay then what are we gonna do then?" I questioned arguing my brow slightly.

"each other."

short ik but I didn't want them to get intimate in this chapter I will post again soon hopefully


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