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I waited patiently for there to be a knock on the door but there wasn't and Louis just strolled in sitting next to me on the couch. "you really should hide your spare key better." he said with a smug look on his face.

"Louis- I- well-I'm so-" I stuttered trying to find the words that seemed so jumbled up in my brain.

"no wait me first." Louis softly answered taking my hand in his and I nodded my head signaling for him to start and I knew that once he did I would start crying again. I've been crying a lot lately and I just felt so weak and I just had a jumble of emotions and crying was the only way for me to show how I feel. "Ellie I'm truly deeply sorry for leaving you. I just thought thy you would be better off without me and clearly I was the one that was absolutely broken just as much as you were. I'm just slightly better at hiding it." he smiled causing me to laugh lightly and look down. "please look at me Ellie." he pleaded causing me to look up at him. "I know I've been a complete ass by leaving you with no explanation and not contacting you for a year but trust me I tried to but I never found the right words and I always thought you would just yell at me. when I saw you outside my bar the other night I knew that it was my chance to make everything right but then again you didn't want me and I totally understand I hurt you and you put up your walls that you built to keep me out of and so I went. but I just want to let you know I love and care for you and I think that we should just start over a clean slate." he said finishing his words looking directly at me.

"Hi my name is Ellie." I said taking my hand from his and sticking it out for him to shake.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson and I'm a hugger." he said pulling me in for a hug causing me to laugh into his shoulder. "I'm really sorry." he said barely above a whisper.

"me too." I sighed pulling away from his grasp.

we sat in my apartment watching reruns of friends. Louis took the remote from me claiming he was tired f watching friends because we already saw all the episodes and changed it to James Bond. i got up and made us some tea and grabbed some biscuits to eat and I set them on the coffee table and sat down on my side of the couch while Louis was on his side there was a good amount of space between us.

"come here." Louis quietly said holding his arms open.

"what?" I questioned setting down my tea.

"get your ass over here Elizabeth." he said sternly.

I hesitated a bit and moved over next to him as he pulled me closer my legs resting on top of his as he wrapped his arms around me. "I missed this." he whispered kissing the top of my head.

we stayed like that until it got dark and Louis said he had to go to work because he owns a bar now and he needs to open it soon or it will get rowdy.

"can I come?" I asked as we walked to the door.

"I don't know Ellie. would you feel comfortable coming?" he asked concerned.

"Louis I just got you back I don't want you to leave." I sighed looking down at our feet.

"El I'll be back tomorrow." he said with a reassuring smile.

"I have class tomorrow in the morning." I yawned leaning against the wall suddenly becoming really tired.

"I'll swing by and pick you up. when do you get out?" Louis asked shrugging on his jacket.

"around noon." I answered quietly.

"okay babe I'll see you tomorrow around noon." he said pulling me in for a hug then kissing me lightly on the lips.

"Louis friends don't kiss." I said still in his arm biting my lip.

"we're not just friends El." he said pinning me against the wall and pressing his lips passionately to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his traveled down my back to my waist pulling me closing. "you're making it really hard for me to leave." he said pulling away slightly then pressing out foreheads together.

"then don't leave." I said moving closer so that our lips where centimeters apart.

he quickly kissed me then pulled away before winking and walking out the door. "See ya around noon!" he called from the end of the hall as I laughed and closed the door.

I went back to my room and stripped off my clothes and changed into my pajamas. I got settled back on the couch and checked my phone realizing I had twelve messages from Tobias and five from Alex.

omg perfect
did he come over
are you guys having sex
why aren't you responding
is he fucking you senseless
do you call him daddy or is its just me
you better only call me daddy ;)
Ellieeeee answer me
I texted Alex
wtf you are calling Louis
did you call him
is he making you cry again
are you guys doing it
text me when he leaves bc I'm gonna come over
wtf is going on
when I say text me I mean keep me updated
text me he leaves bc me and Alex are coming over

I laughed as I read each message and finally texted them both over that they could come over and not even two minutes after I texted them that Alex stormed in carrying Chinese food from down the street and Tobias was carrying some beer.

"so how'd it go?" Alex asked setting the Chinese on the counter.

"I really need to hide my spare key better." I said with a laugh.

"everyone hides it under the welcome mat." Tobias shrugged opening a can of beer and handing it to me.

"true." I sighed grabbing a box marked with an "E" for me and opened it to see my favorite Chinese food. "you guys came quick." I said with a small laugh as Alex and Tobias began eating.

"well we ordered Chinese from like down the street and we were waiting for it and then you texted us and we were like perfect timing so we got our Chinese and drive down here and boom we are here to hear to you spill everything." Alex said before shoveling Chinese in her mouth.

"wish slow down there I wouldn't want you to choke." Tobias said to Alex as as flipped him off and went back to eating. "so spill." he said after flicking Alex in the arm.

so I did I told them everything about what me and Louis did and I watched their faces change as try held onto my every word. "and then he left." I said finishing my story and eating my Chinese.

"so you didn't fuck?" Tobias asked opening another can of beer.

I shook my head no because my mouth was full of food. "but you guys cuddled and kissed. so what are you guys?" Alex asked setting her empty take out box on the coffee table then leaning back on the couch and unbuttoned her pants something she always did when she finished eating a meal too fast.

"that's the thing I don't know what we are. like I'm slightly confused." I said drinking some beer.

"he obviously still loves you." Tobias stated nonchalant.

"but then he said we should just start over." I pointed out.

"the doesn't necessarily mean you start off as just friends." Alex said after groaning and Tobias began to rub her stomach.

"is the baby kicking?" he asked with a wide grin as Alex slapped his hand away then proceeded to flip him off with both hands.

"I think we are gonna just go with the flow." I said bringing Tobias attention back to me.

"great idea babe." he said with a smile before picking up the remote and turning the tv onto Spider Man.

I smiled and finished my food before getting the trash and throwing it away an moving to the couch with Alex and Tobias. Alex wrapped her arms around me and started to sway me back and forth and the Tobias started taking pictures with my phone blowing it up as I just let it all happen.

"I'm proud of you Ellie." Alex said finally letting me go.

I just smiled unsure if I was proud of myself or just confused about everything. is being with Louis again better than not being with him or should I just forget my worries and just go with it because I do love him. I really do, I'm such afraid.


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