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Read authors note @ end, very importante gracias

I was in utter shock, complete and utter shock. Here I was in the middle of the woods a warm fire crackling as I had a blanket wrapped around me. Louis was kneeling down on one knee with a dazzling ring in his fingers. And here I was standing her unable to form coherent words as Louis just poured his heart out to me. "Louis...I..." I began my vocabulary finally coming back to me, "I am speechless...I mean yes of course." I finally spoke and watched as Louis let out a sigh of relief as his easily slid the ring on my finger.

"Thank god you said yes. Or else that would've made for an awkward walk back." Louis laughed standing up.

"Lou, I would be stupid to say no." I laughed as he pulled me into his arms and I felt his lips on the top of my head.

"I love you so much Ellie." he spoke softly yet loud enough for just me to hear even if we were the only ones out here.

"I love you more." I replied pulling away before placing my lips against his and feeling a smile spread across his face.

The rest of the night consisted of me and Louis cuddling up next to each other watching the fire and Louis telling me stories that I'm sure never happened before because at one point he was trying to convince me that he had once been abducted by aliens when he was younger at that is why he is so incredibly smart but he just can't seem to challenge his intelligence at certain times when he doesn't want too. It was like he was some type of human experiment for the aliens and he was adamant that they are going to abduct him again just to check up on him. And I just sat there and listened to him ramble on and on. I was never bored with Louis and I never will which is why I'm so glad he was the one I get to spend my life with. I wouldn't want it any other way.
Next morning I woke up with the sheets wrapped around me and one of Louis's shirts was keeping me warm or so I thought. I looked over to see Louis basically laying on top of me with his arm slung over me pinning me down to the bed. I lifted my free arm up and ran it through my hair just to get it out of my face as I tried to run to face Louis. His bare back was showing as the sheets were lowered down to his waist. I took my hand and started tracing patterns into his back and still getting in shock that I was engaged to this beauty of a man. I mean the stone on my finger showed me that last night did happen and I am so grateful that it did. If it didn't then I would've still probably be laying here with Louis but I would have this completely different feeling, like I was forgetting something or that something was missing. When in reality it was just that me and Louis have never even discussed about marriage in a true and literal sense. I mean we've always joked about it and stuff but we never legitimately talked about it. And here I was engaged to Louis William Tomlinson tracing patterns in his smooth back while watching the diamond glimmer and shine in the natural light.

If some one had some up to me right when I moved here and started school here in Doncaster and told me that I was going to eventually end up marrying Louis Tomlinson I would've firstly asked well who the hell is Louis Tomlinson and once they showed me him I would've laughed or scoffed in there faces telling them to give me the drug that they are on. To put it straight foreword I would've never guessed that I would be here right now. Waking up every morning and looking over at enchanting blue green eyes or the smell of breakfast in the morning. I just would've never thought of living this so simple yet unpredictable life because with Louis everything was unpredictable. I mean for gods sake most of the time the girlfriend has a hunch that her boyfriend is going to propose to her but I on the other hand had no idea. I was absolutely lost and confused.

But now waking up besides Louis and knowing that he has promised to be all mine and I have promised to be all his. I will no longer be lost or confused because I will always have Louis to fall back on. He is like my safety net. In order for me to survive I would need him to fall back on and in order for him to work he would need me. We needed each other just as much as a fish needs water. I loved Louis and being able to call him mine until death due us part made this a whole lot better.

Louis groaned before shifting and pulling me closer to him. Luckily I moved my arm off his back and back to my chest otherwise it would've been in a completely uncomfortable situation. "Morning beautiful." Louis spoke his voice low and groggy sending chills down my spine.

"Good morning Lou." I smiled placing an opened mouth kiss on his chin.

"You are the most beautiful thing in the morning Ellie. Even when you are in a cranky mood and end up throwing a pillow at my face or trying to punch me in the bullocks you are still beautiful." Louis said letting out a groggy laugh as I kissed his neck lightly.

"You're not much of a morning person either Tommo." I smiled against his skin as a chuckle left his lips.

We stayed in silent for awhile. Louis tracing small circles in my hips and me playing with the collar of my shirt as I melted into him. "I just want to check something." Louis said abruptly then quickly sitting up in the bed as I watching him as I laid down.

"What is it?" I asked my eyebrow arching up at him.

"Can I see your hand I want to see if I grew the balls to actually ask you." he said a small smile tugging on his lips as I let out a soft laugh and lifted my hand to show him. He smirked before crawling back over to my and positioning himself on top of me so that his legs were on the outside and mine on the inside as he kept from putting to much weight on me. "Thank god it just wasn't a really vivid dream." he smirked down at me.

"Oh shut up and kiss me." I said pulling his face down towards me.


thanks for all the votes, comments, and reads for both Don't and Try Hard I really appreciate and love you all

Also I'm thinking about discontinuing Secrets and bringing it back later maybe but idk so if you read that then comment what you think also I'm writing a Calum au called Aladdin and I really like it comment if you think you'll enjoy it

Anyways ILYSM and thanks for everything seriously

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