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"Rock paper scissors." I said glancing up at Louis with a playful smile.

"Are you serious?" Louis asked rolling his eyes a bit.

"Well it is your turn but you are being a baby about it."

"I am not being a baby!" Louis answered loudly.

"You threw yourself down on the couch and refused to get up." I huffed poking Louis in the cheek as he looked up at me from the behind a pillow.

"But I don't want to pick a suit." Louis groaned and I sighed heavily and got up. "Where are you going?" He asked shooting up from the couch.

"Upstairs." I answer looking back at him. He looked like a lost puppy. "And don't come to bed until you find a suit." I smirked before jogging up the stairs.

"El! You can't do that to me!" Louis shouted from downstairs as I just laughed loudly closing the bedroom door behind me. A few minutes later the bedroom door opened and Louis stood there breathing heavily. I watched him with wide eyes as I tried to hold in a laugh. "Why do I have to wear a suit?" Louis asked before throwing himself down on the bed neck to me. My hands found their way to his hair as I started running my fingers through it.

"Louis, it's our wedding." I sighed looking down at him with a tired smile.

Wedding planning has been very tiring these past few months especially since we are getting down to the final weeks before the wedding. Louis was in charge of getting the suits for him and his groomsmen. However, currently he decided that he didn't want to get a suit anymore. In fact he didn't really want to do anything while I was over here doing my part and my mother having put me on a diet where I can't eat any fatty foods basically just fruits and vegetables. I was doing everything I can just to make sure this wedding would be amazing. I was getting skeptical over the fact that Louis might not even want to get married.

"Lou?" I asked quietly as he was ranting on about how suits aren't very comfortable and I'm order to have a good time he had to feel comfortable.

"El?" He asked back equally as quiet.

"Do you even want to get married?" I asked him and his blue eyes shot wide open and his jaw hung down as he watched me in horror, "I mean all you had to do was get your suit and the boys suit but now you don't want too and I was just thinking if you aren't really into it then we probably shouldn't do it. Right?" (Lmao run on sentence) I rambled on before Louis took my left hand in his and started playing with the engagement ring.

"Babe, if I didn't want to marry you then I wouldn't have proposed to you." he smiled finally sitting up right and taking my face into his other hand forcing me to look up at him, "I was just pushing your buttons. I'm sorry if I made you think that I didn't want to marry you. I'll go get the suits tomorrow morning I promise." he smiled placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

I nodded my head as I let my body fall into his as he fell back into the bed. I laughed lightly as I just laid my head on his chest and his fingers played with my hair. "I'm so lucky to have you." he whispered as I looked up at him and he looked down at me with a sincere look on his face, "I honestly don't know why you put up with all my shit but I'm so grateful for you, El." he said and I smiled a few tears began to fall down my cheeks. He pulled me up so that we were now face to face and our faces only inches apart, "I love you so much." he smiled moving a piece of hair from my face and wiping my tears from my cheeks.

"I love you too." I smiled and lightly brushed my lips against his.

We laid like that for what seemed like forever until Louis jumped up screaming some incoherent words as I watched him wildly throw off his clothes and grab some new clothes from the ground or his dresser. "You should really clean up." I said realizing how messy his side was.

"El! We don't have time for that! Hurry get dressed into warm clothes I have to show you something." he shouted pulling me off the bed and throwing me some pants and a jacket. I held up the jacket and realized it was Louis's and I just shrugged it on before putting on some jeans. "Heads up Ellie!" Louis shouted as a pair of boots came flying past my head and I looked wildly at Louis who was just shoving his feet into some shoes.

"Louis what the hell?" I said putting the boots on.

"Ellie there is no time for your stubbornness lets go!" He shouted as he ran out of the room.

I groaned before grabbing my phone and the car keys that Louis left behind and seconds later he showed up as I tossed him the keys and he grabbed my wrist dragging me out of the room and down the stairs. We got to the car and he slid into the drivers side as I slid into the passengers seat and watched as he hurriedly pulled out of the drive way. "Louis where are we going?" I asked as he drove down the dark streets.

"Ellie there is no time to answer your petty questions. Just sit back and enjoy the ride." he said glancing over at me and winking quickly before focusing back on the road.

A few minutes later Louis made a quick right on to a dirt road. He was smiling mischievously as I looked around completely lost and confused. He began to slow down the car as he pulled up to a lighted castle. It was a legit castle and I sat up so quickly that I got dizzy. "Louis?" I asked as he pulled up and parked jumping out of the car and yelling for me to follow him. I got out and jogged to catch up with him and he placed his hand into mine. "Louis why are we here?" I asked looking around quickly.

"Ellie can you please be quiet for like ten seconds." Louis said and I quickly nodded my head as he pushed open the large wooden doors and we stepped into a large marble hall as it was lit up by a crystal chandelier that was hanging above us.

"Can I talk now?" I asked I looked around in awe.

"Sure." Louis replied smiling as he watched me look around just the entry way in complete and utter awe.

"Why are we here?" I asked looking at him as he just shrugged his shoulders.

"I just stumbled upon this place the other day and it was completely empty so I took it as an opportunity. Also I wanted to show you the indoor pool." he smirked.

"I didn't bring a swimsuit." I said glumly.

"We don't need swimsuits." Louis said pulling me close to him a mischievous glint in his eyes, "Swimsuits are over rated anyways."



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