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Ellie was laughing. she was laughing and smiling and Louis was just watching her a smile tugging on his lips. he didn't know what it was but it just felt like ages since Ellie laughed an actual and true laugh. he loved it when she smiled and laughed because her whole face would light up and her eyes would squint as in they disappeared and when she laughed too hard she would snort which would make her laugh even more. it was a never ending cycle and Louis loved it. he loved everything about her and she loved everything about him. she turned and looked at Louis just to make sure he was still next to her and when she saw him her smile grew wider and then she turned back to the group.

the whole group was laughing and smiling because of something Zayn had said. everyone else left the party and the baby was asleep upstairs in her room. Caroline was sipping on some water her hand intertwined with Zayn as he would lift it to his mouth and place a gentle kiss on it every now and then. they were in love. you could tell with the way she looked at him as though nothing else in the world mattered but him and their daughter and you could tell he was head over heels for her because he touched her with such care and gentle as though she would break and he would always look over at her and make sure she was next to him. he couldn't last a second without having her near him.

Niall was telling some story using his hands and making different voices as he told the story. Ellie was nodding her head furiously trying to show that she was paying attention as she grabbed Louis's hand and began tracing circles in it with her thumb. Niall started laughing loudly unable to finish his story as Liam shook his head at how Niall was being and took a sip of his beer before looking over at his girlfriend Sophia. Louis had met her before she was nice and Liam clearly liked her but he didn't really talk much she just kept to herself and Ellie didn't have anything against her. Ellie talked to we for a bit but nothing really and stood out to her. harry was on his phone showing Niall some pictures and things both of them laughing and pointing like little school boys.

everything felt nice. everything felt as though it was right and in order and nobody could complain.

Louis and Ellie left a few minutes after that and Caroline invited Ellie over another time for them to have some one on one time and Ellie smiled and said she would love that and Zayn just pulled her in for a hug whispering something in her ear and she pulled away wiping tears from her eyes and thanking him and he just gave her a small smile pulling Caroline into his side. Louis placed his hand in hers as they walked to the car. Ellie stepped in the car resting her head on the window.

"okay?" Louis asked looking over at Ellie with a concerned look.

"yep just tired." she said giving Louis a small smile before he pulled away from the house. it was nearly midnight so of course Ellie would be tired because she was usually passed out before ten while they were watching tv. Louis reached over and placed his hand in her cold hand and brought it up to his lips before placing a soft kiss on her smooth skin.

"did you enjoy the party?" Louis asked after a while before glancing over at Ellie and realizing she was already asleep. her head resting in her hand as it was pressed against the window. Louis smiled and pulled up to the curb off the building. he walked over to the other side of the car opening the door and Ellie fell in his hands as he carefully closed the door and carried Ellie to her home.

he didn't know if he should call it their home because he didn't live with her anymore. he was living on his own in a flat that was the size of her bathroom. he wished he didn't fuck up and leave Ellie that way he would be able to come home to her every night and tell her the stories that he heard or saw at the bar. but he didn't live with her anymore. they were trying to take things slow and Louis didn't want to rush into anything with Ellie in case she didn't want it or couldn't handle it.

he carefully opened the apartment door Ellie still in his hands as he kicked the door closed reminding himself to lock it after he places Ellie on her bed. he took off her pants because it seemed uncomfortable to sleep in pants and Ellie always slept in only and shirt and underwear because she liked to feel the softness of the sheets on her skin. he would always make fun of we because of that but it was only to get her all fired up so she would start rambling and then the only way she would shut up would be if he kissed her. he pulled the sheets over to cover her body and looked down at her.

"you're so beautiful." he said quietly moving a stray hair out of her face as she softly snored. "so so so beautiful." he said standing beside her just taking in her beauty.

he still doesn't understand why she would want to hurt herself like she did or does. why would she starve herself? what caused her to think she wasn't good enough the way she was already? and then it clicked. "fucking hell." Louis said under his breath as he realized why she did it or at least why she might have done it.

it was his fault like it usually is. he left her and she believed she wasn't good enough and in order for her to be good enough for Louis was to be a skinnier and so called prettier Ellie. then maybe just maybe Louis would come back to her. and that's when Louis started crying for the second time that day. he rarely cried but this past week made him realize how important Ellie is to him and if he lost her he would lose his whole life. her being here with him was the only thing that kept him moving and because he left her in order for her to be herself, she believed that Louis didn't did her sexually appealing enough so she starved herself and almost hurt herself more than Louis could've ever hurt her. he loved her. he loved her so much that if she was in pain he would be in pain. he loved her so much that he couldn't think of a life without her. he wiped his tears away before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on her forehead. he slipped out of his clothes and went to the other side of the bed pulling back the covers and getting in. he was about to pull Ellie closer to him when he shot up from the bed. "of fucking course." he said as his bare feet padded across the hardwood floor and too the door.

he forgot to lock the damn door.

heyyyy look who's back I'm back and I'm sorry I haven't posted in a week I had school so I will try and post a new chapter every Sunday


remember to comment & vote I miss you guys ilysm xoxo

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