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We were now sitting down in the grass watching as the warm colors began to fill the cool sky. I laid my head on Louis’s shoulder suddenly the exhaustion hit me and I was fighting to keep my eyes open. “Do you know where we are?” Louis’s voice broke me out of my trance.

“Where are we?” I asked knowing where we were but I wanted to hear Louis tell me.

“You know that day when I took you on my bike and I just rode and rode without even thinking of where we were going to end up but however we ended up here and I just decided to stop right here. I remember that day because you had your hair up and you looked so good that day also because then you got super mad at me and walked like half a mile before I finally persuaded you to get back on my bike. You were being so stubborn as usual. I was actually just going to have you walk because I thought that you wouldn’t even want to see me again. That was also a lie because I came after you because even then somewhere deep down I knew that I couldn’t let you go.” Louis finished as I looked up at him as he was staring out towards the sky. “Also because I want to show you something else.”

“Does it involve a bed?” I asked as he laughed and moved a strand of hair out of my eyes.

“Actually it does.” He said helping me up out of the grass and back to the car.

I sat down in the passenger seat and Louis sat in the driver street and pulled away from the street and turned down a dirt road. I leaned my head against the glass window and watched the green hill roll by. Louis finally made another turn and pulled up to a small white house. “Louis?” I asked sitting up in my seat confused on where we were.

“This used to be my grand mums house before we moved her closer to us and so she gave it to me. I redecorated it and stuff and I just brought you here to show you because when you are done with school and stuff we can move here together but for now we can just come here over the weekend or during you breaks. I mean whenever you mind I don’t mind I just wanted to share this with you because I thought you would like it. Do you like it?” he rambled on as he parked the car.

“Louis it is so cute. I love it.” I smiled pulling his face towards mine and pressing a soft kiss on his lips.

“Thank God you like it.” Louis laughed against my lips.

“Let’s go inside. I’m tired.” I said pulling away and getting out of the car Louis following closely behind me before grabbing my hand and taking a key out of his pocket.

We walked in and Louis lead me straight past the living area and up some hardwood stairs and opened the door to a large room with a king sized bed and a duvet that looked like it was made out of clouds. “This will probably be my favorite place in this house.” I said before throwing myself onto the bed.

“It will be my favorite place as well.” Louis added with a wink caused me to slap his arm playfully. “I’m being honest. Honesty is the best policy in a relationship.” He said shrugging his shoulders.

“You are such a boy.” I laughed flipping over on my stomach so that my face was in the soft pillow hat smelt like laundry detergent.

“Well I am a boy.” He said his hand finding my back as he began to rub small circles. “You should get some rest.” He said quietly.

“You too.” I said reaching out my hand blindly and pulling down his shirt. “We shall sleep together.” I said with a small smile.

“I love you.” Louis said putting his arms around me and pulling me close to him and I rolled over so that my face was nuzzled in his chest.

“I love you too.” I replied back my voice muffled into his chest.

I woke up the sky not full of warm colors but the warm colors began to turn cool and I stretched out to hit the crumpled up duvet but Louis was nowhere in sight. I climbed out of the bed and pulled my hair back out of my head and wiped the sleep out of my eyes. I opened the door and walked down the stair case to be greeted by Louis laying on the couch with a match on and a pizza box open and sitting in front of him. “Oh I see you left me for soccer.” I said teasing and grabbed a slice out of the box before moving Louis’s feet and sitting on the couch where he placed his legs over mine.

“First of all its football. We are living in England not the states. Secondly, I’m sorry babe but football will always come before you.” He smirked glancing away from the television.

“Oh bullshit.” I laughed smacking his leg.

“I’m completely serious El.” He said his face showing no humor as he turned a looked at me.

“Okay then I guess you aren’t getting anything special tonight.” I said shrugging my shoulders and taking a bite from my pizza.

“You wouldn’t.” Louis said sitting up his eyes wide as he looked at me.

“Say I won’t.” I challenged looking at him with a small smile.

“You won’t.” he said moving over to me so that his forehead was pressed against mine.

I watched as he licked his lips quickly and I bit down on my lip before moving closer to him as if I was going to kiss his and then slid out from under him and sat back down on the couch while he turned and looked at me like I was crazy. “Hey looked Liverpool just scored a goal.” I said with a smug smile.

“I hate when you do this.” Louis sighed throwing himself back down on the couch so that his head was in my lap.

“Do what?” I asked running my hands through his hair.

“Be a big meanie and not let me touch you.” He whined like a five year old.

“You’re the one who said football or soccer or whatever is better than me.” I said laughing at how childish this whole thing is.

“Yea I did but I was kind of joking.” Louis replied sitting up and looking at me with his bright blue eyes.

I sat there for a moment and tried not to laugh at Louis’s ace because at this very moment he looked so distraught and lost as if I just took away the only thing in this world that made sense to him. “Well when you have it all figured out I’m going to go take a shower. Come find me when you figure it out.” I smiled before placing a quick kiss on his cheek and ran up the stairs Louis following me closely behind.

I felt his hands grab my waist before pushing me lightly against the wall and holding me there firmly. His lips brushed against mine and his fingers cool against my warm skin. “Did you honestly think that I was going to let you take a shower by yourself? That isn’t really gentlemanly.”



i missed you guys so much you guys are so cool and i love you all so much honestly and i feel like my chapters agre getting worse and worse but i am just building up to the big reveal ahhhhhh so comment, vote, and share if you wanna and shameless self promo maybe if you like 5 seconds of summe check out my michael book secrets i mean if you want too thats be cool love you guys xoxo 

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