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I sat there and watched as Ellie chatted to a couple of ladies that knew me since i was young. They were all laughing and Ellie would occasionally glance at me a smile on her face and squeeze my hand lightly. it was as if she was making sure i was next to her. little did she know that i wouldnt leave her because i didnt want to miss a thing in her life. i left her for a year and i regret that decision right when i walked out of the flat. actually i regretted it right when i opened my eyes and left her sleeping peacefully thinking that she would wake up with me next to her. i always wondered what might have been going through her head when she realized that i was gone. i wonder what her facial expression was when she read my note that i left her. did she furrow her brows in confusion? bit her bottom lip, chewing on it nervously? did she wish that she never let me in the first time? i always wondered why the fuck i left her in the first place. she is the best thing that ever happened to me. she has single handly made me the man i am today. she is the reason i wake up in the morning.

damn. shes the reason why i wake up every morning. when i wake up with her head resting on my chest as her arms are drapped over me holding herself against me tightly i get this tight feeling in my chest  like i am having a stroke or something. i love her. i love everything about her. even her imperections are perfections to me i cant name a flaw that she has because they are what make her so perfect.

i love the was she chews on her bottom lips when she is concentrating or nervous. i love the way she always tucks her hair behind her left ear never she right ear because those piece of hair are always in her face. i love it when shes embarassed her face becomes as red as a strawbery and she tries to cover her face with her face. i love it when she is in an awkward situation and she has no idea what to do she'll laugh. i love when she laughs so hard she will snort really loud and then cause her to laugh again. i love it when she is exhausted and laughs at anything and everything. i love it when she just gets out of the shower and her skin smells like warm vanilla and her hair smells like coconut. i love it when she pulls her hair back because i could see her face perfectly. i love it when she is cold she will curl up into a little ball and try to warm herself up. i love it when she hold my pinky instead of my hand because she isnt a fan of pda. i love it when i kiss her and a smile spreads on her lip. i love the look on her face when i pull away from kissing her because she looks flustered and her cheeks are the slightest shade of pink. i love it when she wears my shirts claiming that she doesnt have anything else to wear even though her closet  seems endless. i love it when she struggles to eat sushi with chopsticks and when she gets frusterated she ill call over the waiter and ask for a fork completely done with the chopsticks. i love how clumsy she is and trips over her own feet. i love it when she is mad at me. i love it when she yells in my face and shoves me until i hit as wall as she weakly slaps my chest becasue even though she is mad at me she wouldnt hurt me. i love her eve when its that time of the month and her moods change drastically. i love how stubborn she is. i love it when she smiles. i love it when she holds me. but most importantly i love it when she says she loves me. 

"Lou..." she cooed breaking me out of my thoughts.

"yes baby girl?" i say pulling her close to me as she lays her head on my shoulder.

"nothing you just looked like you were about to pee your pants." she says quietly causing me to chuckle lightly at her comment.

"ive had a lot of water this evening." i said pressing my lips to the top of her head.

"are you okay with everything?" she asks her hazel eyes look up at me curiously.

"with what?" i answer her question with a question.

"you know you mom and daniel getting married?" she asks innocently as my eyes were glued to her soft pink lips.

"i knew about it long before this engagement party love." i smiled down at her as she smiled fondly backed at me.

"when are you two love birds gonna tie the knot?" a small voice asked as i tore my gaze away from Ellie to see Pheobe looking up at us with a smug smile on her face.

"what makes you think we havent?" i countered her question as i crouched down so that i was eye level with her.

"because El doesnt have a ring on her left hand duhhh" she answered knowingly rolling her eyes.

"oh so you think you are so smart now that you're eleven?" i said picking up her small boddy and drapping her over my shoulder as she screamed and laughed as she lightly pounded on my back. I turned to see Ellie smiling and laughing as she watched us.

"Louis put me down! El help me!" she screamed as i began pinning us in a circle.

"okay Lou thats enough your gonna make her vomit all the sweets she ate." Ellie laughed as i stopped spinning and placed Pheobe on her feet holding her steady so that she wouldnt fall over her own feet.

"you're lucky that El is here because i would've kept going until you threw up." i teased as she giggled and turned an walked away probably to the dessert table again.

I walked back over to Ellie who was now sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone. when i sat down next to her she leaned against me, her body fitting comfortably against mine. i looked over at what she was doing and she seemed to be texting a friend who was sending her pictures of kittens. "what're you doing?" i asked.

"looking at kittens." she said nonchalantly.

"why?" i asked as she showed me a couple of pictures.

"im thinkibg about getting a cat." she smiled softly, "unless you dont want one." she added quickly.

"no im totally down with you getting a cat." i said shrugging my shoulder. 

"really lou?" she questioned sitting up quickly and looking at me with excitement in her eyes.

"of course anything you want baby girl." i said sincerely.

"i love you." she smiled before pressing her soft lips that ive been craving against my lips. "i love you." she said again as she pulled away a smile on her face. i smiled back at her and pulled her back against me.

"i love you." said quietly enough for her to hear and kissed her forehead.

damn i loved when she said she loves me. 


hellooooo but this is cute and im dead


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