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"Lou!" A shrill voice called after the hospital door swung open and small frail bodies threw themselves on top of me.

"Pheobe! Daisy!" I shouted back just as excited as they were.

"We brought you something." they both said in unison as Lottie walked in holding a bag.

"We brought you Yorkshire tea. You haven't had it for two years so we thought that you'd love this." Lottie explained as my mother walked in already crying behind her.

"Tea and clothes for when you're ready to get out of bed Lou." Daisy mumbled still clinging onto my chest.

"Thank you." I said rubbing small circles into Daisy's back as I felt her giggle against me.

"Did you have a nice nap?" My mum asked with a smile before brushing my hair out of my face,"You really need a trim." She said shaking her head.

I haven't gotten out of this hospital bed yet since they ran the last few tests this morning and I can officially leave tomorrow but I will have to undergo about six months of therapy. "I do? I haven't gotten the chance to look at myself." I shrugged as Daisy climbed off of me and sat at he edge of the bed with Pheobe. Lottie handed me the tea and placed the bag of clothes on the chair as she pulled another closer to the bed. My mum was standing and I knew she was to anxious to sit down because if she did she would start balling again and she just stopped.

"Oh Lou! Do you have any idea how much we've missed you? The house was so quiet and empty without you. Everything felt so lonesome and sad. You are the literal sun and with you gone it felt like winter for the entirety of those two years." my mum said beginning to sob again as I set down the tea on a small table near me and pulled her down for a hug.

"I know and I'm sorry mum. But I'm here now and everything is okay." I said whispering into her ear trying to calm her down a bit.

"I know Lou but it is still heartbreaking." she said before wiping her tears and putting on a smile.

We all started chatting a bit as they each told me what I have missed in their lives. Lottie did dye her hair like Ellie said she did and it was a lot blonder it was like a bleached blonde but it looked nice. Pheobe and Daisy both grew about 12 centimeters (a/n that's 5 1/8 inches if you didn't know). My mum was doing good as well and she got married and all was right in her world. It was amazing how much I missed but it wasn't surprising either just because I wasn't actually there living my life doesn't mean that everyone else stopped living their lives as well.

There was a loud shuffling coming from the hall and then the door shot open to reveal a very out of breath and flushed Ellie. "I'm so sorry." she started to say breathing heavily, "I'm late." she finished before catching her breath and giving a hug to both Pheobe and Daisy handing Lottie a bag from top shop with a small smile then walking over to my mum and pulling her into a warm hug.

"Did you get us anything?" Daisy and Pheobe asked looking over at the jumper that Ellie bought Lottie.

"Weren't we going to go out tomorrow with Louis for the whole day and get lunch and ice cream and then to the toy store? Or did you two forget?" Ellie said with a small smile walking over to me.

"We didn't forget!" Daisy said jumping excitedly.

"Good." she said her eyes connecting with mine and she leaned down and I pulled her in suddenly causing her to fall on top of me. "Lou!" She giggled before kissing my lips quickly and pulling away.

"Why were you late?" I asked her as she took a seat next to Lottie who thanked her for the jumper.

"My class ended late." she sighed, "I didn't even get to eat dinner." she mumbled under her breath which caused me to smile. She is so cute.

"Why don't you take Pheobe and Daisy down to the cafeteria and get a bit to eat?" My mum asked looking at her with a smile.

"Oh yes of course." Ellie smiled taking Pheobe's hand and picking up Daisy off the bed and too the floor. "We will be back in a few. Lottie would you like to come?" She asked stopping at the door and looking at Lottie who shook her head no. "Alright do you want anything Johanna? Lou?" Ellie asked.

"I'm alright baby." I answered her as my mum shook her was no and with that she closed the door behind her and lead Pheobe and Daisy to the cafeteria.

"She's a great girl Lou." my mum said pulling up a chair to me, "Not every girl would stay by some ones side for two years while they were in a coma." my mum continued and I knew she was hinting at something.

"I love her." Lottie chimed in, "She is so funny, nice, and loves to go shopping with me." she spoke setting her phone down.

"I love her too." I said to no one in particular.

"You better keep her Louis." my mum said her voice stern, "Don't lose this one."

"I plan on keeping her mum." I spoke slowly, "I'm going to marry her."

SPRANG BREAKKKKK and YASSS Louis you marry Ellie #Lellie for life and sorry for the horrible update ://///
Anyways love you all and if you are on spring break don't get too crazy and remember if you want comment, share, vote all that shiz and thank you all so much for everything you are legit the best people ever!!!!!

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