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She stood outside the glass doors looking in. It was like she was within and without. Like she was watching herself but she wasn't, she wasn't even close to him like she hoped she would be. It has been a few days and she was released from the hospital but she hasn't gone home. Her life right now was as if it was some twisted movie scene and she couldn't take it. She couldn't take watching him struggle to breathe through those tubes and his family waiting with her all sobbing messes. His mother tried to stay strong but ones her blue eyes saw Ellie she couldn't hold it together and ran towards the poor lost girl and embraced her in her motherly arms.
Johanna didn't know what to think she was just happy that some one so close to Louis was here. Once she saw the poor girl who looked as pale as the snow she needed to hold her. Once their mother latched on to her so did the girls all rushing to Ellie's side. It was a bunch of girls holding each other and sobbing into each others shoulders. Now Ellie was standing off to the sides her hair needed a wash and her clothes needed a changing and her body needed to rest but she wanted to be the first to see Louis.

"Ellie? Honey why don't I take you back to my place so you can wash up a bit." Johanna said rubbing her hands soothingly over Ellie's arms. "Lets go, love."

Ellie solemnly nodded her head and tore her eyes away from the glass doors. The drive back to Louis's moms house wasn't very far and Ellie just watched as the city washed past her through a blur. There was the steady beat of the radio in the background and the occasional outburst of one of the girls. It seemed so regular yet irregular because the one who once brought laughter and joy now haunted them with sadness and tears. Johanna led Ellie up the front steps of the house and Ellie couldn't help but think back to the first time she had real contact with Louis. The night he took her back here and she slept peacefully next to him and when he rushed her out of his home. She was confused to say the least but it was a joyful memory of Louis once being able to hold her wrist and pull her out of the house. Ellie was hit with an overwhelming feeling. She walked down the hall and into the shower room where there was already a fresh outfit laid out for her on the sink counter and the warm water was running. She peeled away her clothing and set them on the floor in a pile before stepping into the warm shower. The warm water rushing down her body as she closed her eyes and leaned against the shower wall.

She stepped out of the shower and dried off before slipping on her underwear and a large grey knitted sweater which was obviously Louis's because it smelt just like him, smoke and spearmint. She slid into some jeans and dried her hair a bit before combing through it.

"I'm going to wash you clothes. Why don't ya take a rest in Lou's room and I'll wake ya when I hear anything." Johanna said with a gentle smile before bending down to pick up Ellie's discarded clothes. Before turning down the hall and going to wash clothes trying to distract herself from the fact that her only son is in the ICU in a coma with the possibility that he won't ever wake up.

Ellie made her way down the hall to a room she knew too well and slowly pushed the door back to be greeted with the same blue plaid duvet and the navy blue walls full of posters of bands and a few discarded clothes on the ground she reached down to pick up a black T shirt of his and held it in her hands tightly. She didn't realize it before but she did feel them now. She was crying. The salty tears rolled down her face and splattered on the black T shirt as she lifted the T shirt and held it to her face sobbing into the shirt.

"Ellie? Wake up. They're letting people see Louis now." Pheobe's small hands were on her shoulder shaking her slightly. "My mum is already in the car waiting, c'mon lets go see Louis." she said with a small smile causing Ellie to smile back and lift the small girl in her arms before slipping on some shoes and jogging down to the car.

Lottie was in the front with her mom and Daisy was in the back. Ellie and Pheobe sat in the back with Daisy an the car ride towards the hospital was deathly silent as Ellie's hands began to shake as she hoped for the best. Once they parked they rushed out of the car and towards the ICU where those glass doors were finally open. Louis's family rushed over and Ellie stayed back a bit her hands shaking.

"I'm sorry." the doctor began to say and Ellie looked up her body beginning to shake, "he is still in a coma and we aren't quite sure when he will wake. But he is in stable condition." the doctor finished before bowing his head and going off to tend to the other patients.

Ellie just stood there her hands shaking and her eyes watching over the family. They were all looking at Louis with such love and hope that Ellie couldn't help but feel herself sliding down the cold wall and hugging her knees and sobbing into them. She felt a warm arm wrap around her shaking sobbing body.

"Ellie he's going to be okay."

They went to go get some food because Daisy and Pheobe were getting hungry. They invited me to join them but I politely declined and said I would stay here with Louis, they all have me a sympathetic look before walking out of the ICU.

"They say that coma patients can hear you they just can't respond to what you are saying so technically nothing has hanged between us." I chuckled softly before placing my warm hand in his cold one. "I'm so sorry Lou. I'm trying to be strong but I can't help but feel as though I'm too weak. I need you, we all need you. I don't want you to leave me again. I swear I won't know what to do with myself. I just love you too much." I said the warm tears starting to fall down my eyes again. "I love you." I said before pressing a soft kiss to his temple.

I really hope he heard every word I said because all of it was true. I would be so lost without him. I need him, I've always needed him. He's all I've ever wanted.

Crappy update but it's an early update I may update again over the weekend but I hope you guys like this update I love you guys so much and I've added the books that you recommended & I finished Through The Dark it was good an I recommend it to everyone

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