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"I'm tired." I whined falling into Louis's arms as he came to pick me up from my classes. "so so so tired." I said pressing a soft kiss on his neck.

"Aren't we going to your house to celebrate your mums birthday?" He asked lifting my chin so I was looking up in his cool blue eyes.

"We can skip that." I mumbled quickly.

"El." Louis said with a small smile on his face, "your mum would hate me even more." he laughed.

"S'okay because I love you." I shrugged my shoulder as his arms were loosing wrapped around me.

"You're being a big baby today." he said looming down at me with a small smile.

"I'm just tired is all." I yawned which added a bit of emphasis.

"You can sleep on the car ride there like you always do." Louis smiled. "I even brought your body pillow thing that you're obsessed with." he laughed placing a quick kiss on my forehead.

"Body pillows are life." I said as he opened the car door an I stepped in immediately laying my head on the pillow. "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." Louis replied.

"Not you the body pillow." I laughed as he rolled his eyes and closed the door walking over to the drivers side.

The ride back to Doncaster always seemed short to me because I was always asleep when we did go back to Doncaster. I'm always asleep in car rides it's not that Louis bores me it's just that whenever I am in a place for a while I just close my eyes and fall asleep. even if it's just like a ride to the cinema I will probably doze off for a bit.

Eventually Louis pulled up to a familiar house and I sat up knowing that I would have to leave the car soon. I didn't want to be here. I mean yes it is my moms forty fifth birthday but I just didn't want to see everyone. I left for London for a reason. maybe I should've moved to a different country.

"Ready?" Louis asked looking over at me with a forced smile. he didn't want to be here either.

"Is anyone ever really ready?" I questioned my face completely serious as Louis let out a chuckle.

"You're a fucktard." he laughed.

"But I'm your fucktard." I said unbuckling my seat belt.

"Sadly you are." he said and I smacked him playfully on the arm before we got out of the car. "did you get a present?"

"Me being in her presence is a present." I said finding his hand.

"Wow that's the worst present ever." Louis said causing me to shove him a little as we walked. "no seriously did you get her something?" He asked before I opened the door.

"Lou I got her something don't worry." I said pressing a small kiss on his mouth.

He mumbled something incoherent under his breath as I opened the door and was immediately met with people I've know since I was little and people whom I've never met before and they were all either sipping aged wine and talking about politics or they were either half my age and drinking out of juice boxes and eating all the candy. I hate parties.

I stopped at the doorway and Louis bumped into me not paying any attention that I stopped. "what the hell?" He asked in my ear as I stood frozen at the door. "El, babe, move." he said his hands gently squeezing my sides.

I slowly and reluctantly walked down the hall smiling politely and even hugging a few people that knew me but I had no idea who they were. "Elizabeth!" A familiar shrilly voice called as I looked to my right to see my mother wearing a dress and heels making her way over to me. "You came! I thought I would never see you out of that bed." she laughed pulling me into a quick hug.

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