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I woke up the sun hitting my eyes as I groaned and pulled the sheets over my face to block the light. I didn't want to get up out of bed and close the blinds. I didn't want to get out of bed at all. I pulled the sheets back slightly and looked over to my side to see Louis sleeping his mouth hanging open as his arms and legs were sprawled out in the bed and I smiled before moving some fringe from his face. I reluctantly got up and closed the blinds the room becoming dark again an I quietly walked to the kitchen. I pulled out some eggs, bacon, and orange juice from the fridge. I pulled out the pan to make the eggs and another to make bacon. I quickly finished the eggs and then started on the bacon.

"this is nice." I heard a gruff voice say behind me.

I turned to see Louis shirtless his hair a mess and he had some scruff from boy shaving with some plaid pajama pants hanging from his hips. he smiled and took a piece of bacon from the plate that I placed them on and took a bite. "this is so nice." he said again as he began making some tea.

"good morning Lou." I smiled kissing him softly on the cheek. I carefully moved around him with a plate of scrambled eggs and some bacon.

"why good morning El." Louis said with a smile kissing me cheek as well.

"so what's the plan for today?" I asked trying to hold in a laugh as Louis turned and poured some tea in his cup and putting so much sugar in it that you could place the spoon on top.

"well we have to pick up the kids from school in the afternoon." Louis said taking a sip of his tea.

"the kids?" I asked with an arched brow

"yes Andy and Abby, then in the evening we have to take Andy to football practice." Louis spoke nonchalantly.

"Louis I what world do you think I would name our children Andy and Abby?" I asked laughing.

"those are solid names Elizabeth." he said using my full name as his brows arched.

"oh yea of course Louis William Tomlinson." I said rolling my eyes.

"now what did I tell you about rolling your eyes missy?" he questioned setting his tea down and walking towards me.

"your not my dad." I challenged.

"but you are my baby girl and you shouldn't roll your eyes at me." he spoke taking my waist into his hand as he pulled me close. with that I rolled my eyes again and but my bottom lip to keep from smiling. "big mistake." he whispered as he pressed his lips to my neck sucking harshly.

"Lou..." I moaned as he kissed my soft spot on my neck.

he pulled away licking his lips a smug smile on his lips as he admired his work of are. "babe, you look so cool." he said causing me to scoff and go back to eating my eggs. "I was actually thinking." Louis began.

"wow that's a first." I teased as he rolled his eyes at me this time.

"no listen, why don't we drive down to Doncaster and visit my mum she would love to see you again." he said. I felt his blue eyes looking at me and when I looked up at him I met his blue ones pleading for me to say yes.

"well that's a long drive." I said not knowing what else to say.

"but it's worth it. you can sleep on the car ride there." he said placing my hand in his.

"of course I'm gonna sleep in the car ride there." I laughing before placing my dish in the sink.

"okay well hurry and get ready if you want to be there before dinner." he said as I jumped off the counter and walked away hearing him calling to wear something slutty and I rolled my eyes. "I know you just rolled your eyes at me!" he called again.

"no I didn't!" I called back to him stepping into the bathroom and locking the door before he could barge in and distract me from getting ready.

I was nervous. I didn't know why o was nervous I've met his mum before but this time it's different. I will be staying for dinner as Louis's official girlfriend the last time I saw her I was just a close friend of Louis. well at least I didn't think at the time that Louis saw me as his girlfriend so I have the right to feel this way. I took a deep breath and splashed cold water in my face. I need to stop wimping out and get my life together. I got ready and swallowed my nervousness.

I hope she still likes me.

it's short I know & it's sucks idek what happened in this chapter I will try & redeem myself tomorrow gn
comment & vote bc you guys are so chill & ilysfm all of you

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