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2 years later

It's been two long years. Two long agonizing years without Louis. I feel as though in two years things are different. They moved Louis to another room rather than the ICU a couple weeks after we were able too first see him. The other day the boys came to visit and Zayn brought his little girl and Caroline was expecting another and I couldn't help but feel a tug at my heart. I've always wanted kids but I haven't really thought much about it. But seeing Zayn and Caroline my heart seemed to skip a few beats and I felt a twinge of jealousy.

Its been two years and everyday during these two years I would always be at Louis's side whether I was doing homework or going to class on the computer I was next to Louis. I obviously go home and by home I stay at Louis's gran's place and then come back the next morning.

Nothing has really changed other than the fact that Louis seems to be growing a faint beard and his hair is much longer. He looks pale and skinny but that's do to the fact that they are basically feeding him through a tube.

I've gone to Louis's moms house a couple nights to have dinner and I feel as if they are coping with this the best they can but they are living their lives obviously. Louis's mom has to work and the girls have school. Sometimes I help out with caring for the girls I take Pheobe and Daisy out for some ice cream or just to a movie and some lunch and me and Lottie go shopping together some times. She mainly picks out my clothes because I tend to stay to the more darker colors. She knows plenty of fashion and she is so sweet. They are all so sweet.

Right now I'm sitting right next to Louis watching him breath steadily my warm hands in his cool one. I can see his eyes flicker back and forth under neath his eye lids and I just can't help but smile. He is still here with me. He hasn't left.

"Louis, if you can hear me, I know it may seem hard right now but please just please try and hold on. There is so much out there. But if you want to you know leave then just let go. I'll understand." I said looking over at him.

His eyes still closed and his breathing still steady. "I dyed my hair." I said suddenly, "Lottie and I both went to the salon and got it done I wanted to try something different so I got an ombré. Its nice. Its different. Also I'm graduating college early in about a month. Your mom and sisters are coming so are my parents and Tati and I really hope you'll come too. I'm becoming a school teacher. Teaching history, remember when we first met in history class. I remember because I hated you and now look at us. I still hate you." I laughed a bit my eyes beginning to water. "Please wake up it's not as fun when the banter is one sided." I said my hand shaking in his. "Please Lou...please."


It was weird. I have no idea how long I've been in this state. I could hear what was going on around me, I could sense that things were going on around me but I couldn't witness what was going on. I've tried to go into the light multiple times but a soft quiet voice always seemed to pull me back.

I was getting tired of this all. I needed to wake up. I wanted to wake up. "Zayn and Caroline are expecting another baby. It's a boy. Zayn already knows the name but he won't tell me. Caroline is so small, like you wouldn't even know she was pregnant unless like you asked. They moved out of the townhouse and back to Bradford near his mom an his family. He said he wants to start his family where he grew up. Caroline is working as a nurse right now and Zayn just opened up his own tattoo parlor. Its amazing you'll like it. Harry and Niall just went on a bro-cation to Las Vegas. They are coming back next week. I'm pretty sure they will end up getting drunk together and marry each other. Both have sent me drunk videos you've got to see them they are hilarious. Liam and Sophia got married. They left a spot for you. It was a beautiful ceremony you would've hated it. Your mom and sisters are doing great I see them almost every day. My family is good Tati is going to college this fall. She's excited she's going to Manchester University. I got a dog. I don't know why I didn't tell you before but his name is Rango. He's still a puppy." a soft voice said an I just laid there with my eyes closed listening as she spoke her voice bringing me warmth. She was telling me a story everything I've missed since I was gone and I loved it. Once she finished I decided it was time.

It was time for me to open my eyes and face the world that I missed. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was my beautiful and amazing girlfriend sitting there staring at me in awe. She looked so relieved and happy that years began to stream down her face.

"Louis!" She spoke happily her arms finding their way around me. "I've missed you." she spoke into my ear.

"I've missed you too El." I spoke my voice unknown to my own ears.

She pulled back and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She was still so beautiful. Her hazel eyes sparking and small freckles littered her nose and her smile so soft and welcoming. I was so glad I decided to open my eyes.

"You've missed a lot." she smiled.

"Have I?" I asked arching a brown at her.

"You've missed two of your birthdays. Do you even know your age?" She asked shock taking over her facial features.

"22?" I asked confused about my own age.

"No, 23." she spoke.

"I'm so old." I groaned.

"I know I should just break up with you and go for a younger guy who can please me." She joked and I shot her a glare, "Louis do you really think I'll ever leave you? I've been by your side for two years. You have me wrapped around your finger." she said before getting up and kissing me on my forehead. "I'm going to get the doctors then call you mom. Don't go back into a coma now." she teased before walking out of the room.

I looked around the room Ellie's Jacket against a share and the TV was playing Tarzan one of her favorite movies and her laptop an school books where scarred on a small table. It was as if she lived in here even though I know she didn't. I couldn't believe that she stayed with me and we weren't even married.

Then I remembered. I remembered the crash and dragging her body away from it and then falling but most importantly I remembered why I made her get up at night to go on a drive with me. I was going to make her mine. I was going to ask her to be mine for the rest of our lives. I wonder if she knew that.


Heyyyyy sorry for another crappy update a lot has happened but I felt the need to put this out just to make things seem a bit better.

If you guys ever need to talk I'm here I will always be here and I will listen and try and help if you want just a reminder because you are are worth it and special and I love you all so stay beautiful my friends xoxo

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