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I felt myself waking up and I slowly opened my eyes to be blinded by some bright fluorescent lights. I looked around to see white walls and white floors and the bed that I was in had white sheets with a think blue blanket laying over it. There were tubes and things in my arm and the steady beeping came from a machine next to me. I had a bandage on my hand and I lifted my head a bit off the soft pillow but then winced in pain. I closed my eyes and then opened them again thinking that this was just some horrible nightmare but it wasn't. I went to get up but a shrill beeping noise sounded throughout the room and a pack of nurses came running in and asking me questions all at once.

"Ma'am are you okay?"
"Ma'am do you need anything?"
"Do you know you can just ring us whenever you please?"
"Are you feeling alright?"
"Do you need some water?"
"Can you please stay in the bed?"

My head was throbbing from the beeping and the commotion of the nurses asking me a million things. I couldn't firmly wrap my head around any of the questions because when I opened my mouth to answer one, two more were asked. Then it hit me. Everything hit me all at once and I froze. My eyes grew wide as I pictured the headlights of the car, Louis throwing his arm out at me, Louis and my body being thrown against the wind shield my head smashing the glass, Louis groggy but still able to pull me out of the car and set me on the grass before walking over to the scene and collapsing his head hitting the concrete with such force that I winced. It all came back to me and there was on one word I could form and speak aloud. "Louis." I said loudly enough for the nurses to pause and look at me.

"Where is Louis?" I questioned taking the tubes out of my arm earning a few gasps. "I need to know if he is alright." I said trying to pull myself out of the bed.

"Tomlinson? Louis Tomlinson?" A small red headed nurse spoke up.

"Yes, where is he?" I asked leaning towards her as if she was going to share one of her deepest secrets to me.

"Darling, I'm afraid he is in the ICU." she said sympathy written all over her face.

"May I see him?" I asked my heart raising as I gripped at the sheets.

"No I'm afraid you can't yet." she said gently placing her hand on top of mine,"but I can assure you he is in great hands."

I was speechless. Once again Louis has rendered me speechless in a way that I couldn't even think straight. One moment he was here the next moment he was gone. The nurses exchanged a few whispers when all but one left and the one that stayed was the small red head, Mrytle was her name. Mrytle stayed and placed the tubes back in my arm, changed my bandage and gave me some pain killers. However I just sat there in that hospital room the pain still evident as I started at the two round blue pills and a small cup of water. I didn't feel the will to take them. My mind was racing and my heart was beating at irregular speeds. I just needed to see him. I needed to see if he was alright.

The hospital door opened and I was about to open my mouth to ask Mrytle about Louis once again when I was met by familiar faces who looked at me with such worry. "Elizabeth." my mother breathed out as she rushed towards me before pulling me into a hug, "my sweet sweet Elizabeth." she said into my hair as I sat there frozen by her sudden motherly touches.

Finally she pulled away and the other came and hugged and greeted me. We talked for a bit but it was mostly my mother, brother, and father talking to each other while Tatianna was on the phone and I just watched my mom, dad, and Scotty talk. Later they left to the cafeteria and it was just me and my mom. She looked at me her expression pained and I just stared blankly at her.

"Have you seen him?" I asked my voice husky.

"Yes." she answered solemnly.

"How is he?" I asked my voice getting caught in my throat as I tried to hold back the tears.

"Ellie..." she began and at that moment I knew that it was worse than what Mrytle had said to me earlier.

I broke down the tears that I held in for so long flooded down my face as I looked down at the pale blue blanket my tears drenching the fabric. I felt warm arms wrap around me and pull me close and pressed my head into my moms shoulder as I cried. I felt worthless and useless because all I can do was cry. I can't go and see him I can't magically make him better all I can do is sit here in my mothers arms and cry and hope for the best. Memories of us together flash through my mind and the only makes the pain worse. I just needed him. I was always the one who would care for him and now that it wasn't me I was worried and afraid. I just wanted to make sure he was okay and that he would be able to hold me in his arms again. I just wanted to feel his warm.

I just wanted him back with me again.

Double weekend update!!! Sorry it's short and crappy I just wanted to let u guys have something.
But anyways do u guys have any recommendation of like fanfic I can read bc I read everything in my library and I want to read more stories just like comment or something

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