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I was asleep a majority of the ride to Doncaster just like Louis assumed of me. I only woke up to him shaking me slightly and telling me we were here. I stepped out of the car stretching my arms outs and yawning.

"El, lets go babe." Louis said taking my hand and leading me to the front door.

he didn't knock or ring the bell but just opened the door as if his mom was expecting him and we walked into a house full of people. all seemed to know Louis since he was "a wee boy". (had to add that in lol) he held onto my hand the whole time leading me to different people and introducing me as his girl and whenever he did my heart seemed to skip a beat which is extremely unhealthy and I felt as if I was going into cardiac arrest.

"Louis!" some one called over the crowd and we both turned to see his mother wearing a navy blue polka dot apron and her hair curled to perfection. "I'm so glad you made it babe." she said pulling him in for a bone crushing hug.

"of course. I'm happy for you." he said after pulling away from his moms grasp.

"oh Ellie! it's been awhile my dear." she said directing her attention to me before pulling me into a hug as well. "how's my future daughter in law doing?" she joked with a small smile.

"oh, I'm doing wonderful." I smiled back laughing off what she said before.

"I'm glad to see you here again." she smiled taking my hand in hers and squeezing it gently.

"I'm glad your son invited me along." I smiled then glanced at Louis who was watching us both with bright eyes.

"he's a pain. thank god you put up with him for so long." she laughed before excusing herself to the kitchen.

I looked I've at Louis who pulled me through the crowd of people and up the stairs to his room that seemed the same. with dark blue walls, plaid navy duvet, and posters of bands hanging up. he kicked the door closed and locked it causing me to look at him with a questioning look.

"this room brings back memories." he said with a small smile.

"yea when I basically passed out on you." I said letting out a soft chuckle before picking up a framed picture of us.

"I didn't have the balls to throw it away." he said his breath fanning against my neck. "plus I was here almost everyday after I because I don't know why I would do if I ran into you in London." he said moving my hair away from my neck exposing the skin to his warm breath.

"London is quite big." I said leaning into his touch and placing the frame back on the dresser.

"I know that now because when I wanted to run into you I couldn't." he sighed before tuning me to face him. "I love you." he said before pressing his warm lips to mine and walking us back to his bed until the back of my knees hit the end of the bed and we fell back into the navy blue duvet.

"Louis, there's a party right under us." I said as he attached his lips to my neck.

"but I have a beautiful girl right under me." he said gruffly.

"shut up." I said laughing quietly as his hands gripped my waist pushing me further into the bed.

"make me." he said pulling away from my neck with a smug smirk on his face.

"I hate you. now kiss me." I said gripping the fabric of his shirt and pulling him down so that our lips would connect.

before anything could get really here's there was a knocking on the door saying that Louis needed to get downstairs immediately because his mom was about to announce something extremely important. Louis pushed himself off of me an handing me his hand so he could pull me off the bed. "we will finish that later." he said in my ear as I unlocked the door.

"If I feel like it." I teased not looking at him.

"oh baby girl your gonna feel like it." he said slapping my ass as we walked out of his room causing me to jump at the sudden contact and turn and smack him playfully in the chest before taking his hand in mine.

I couldn't go a minute without holding Louis close to me or having him close to me. if I was holding his hand or if he wasn't holding me in his arms I would some how find a way to touch him or hold him. he was like my life support. take me off of him and I would die. that's a bit melodramatic but it seems as if these past weeks I just felt the need to have Louis everywhere with me and by looking at him as he watched his mom smile and laugh I hoped that he felt the same.


anddddd this is crap

sorry this sucks but comment and vote bc I feel like I haven't talked to you guys in ages & I have no homework so I will post tomorrow evening or noon some time idk when tho lol ilysm xoxo

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