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"Ellie it's 2 in the morning." I said getting up and looking over at my fiancée who was hugging a pillow while watching Supernatural. "We have to be at your parents house early for brunch or some shït like that." I said standing up and stretching my arms and walking over to the couch where Ellie was.

"Louis can you please be quiet Dean is talking." Ellie spoke glancing over to me quickly then back to the TV.

"I know you didn't tell me to shut up because Dean is talking." I rolled my eyes before grabbing the remote from her and turning off the tv leaving us in complete darkness.

"What the hell Louis?" Ellie asked clearly irritated with me.

"It's time for bed." I mumbled before picking her up off the couch.

"I can walk you know." she said and even in the dim moonlight I can still see her roll her eyes up at me.

"Sh. Just go to bed." I said gently placing her the bed,"and don't be all grumpy with me in the morning when I wake you up because this is all your fault." I said but then looked down at Ellie to see that right when her was hit the pillow she was fast asleep. "Good night beautiful." I spoke softly before placing a quick kiss on her head.

I woke up again to see that it was now eight in the morning and Ellie was drooling on my chest. I shook my head trying to to laugh as I reached over to the nightstand table and grabbed my phone quickly taking a picture of Ellie and setting it as my lock screen. I got up and went to the bathroom before washing my face and then to the closet to slip on some clothes.

I went back over to the bed to see Ellie sprawled out over the bed and her mouth still hanging open. I walked over to her pulling back the sheets that automatically caused her to curl into a ball at the sudden coldness. I groaned as she was still asleep. I jumped on the bed so one leg was on the each side of her. "Louis stop." she groaned flipping over and placing her head in the pillow.

"Elizabeth you need to get up right now." I said jumping slightly on the bed and reaching to flip her over on her back so she was facing me. Her eyes were closed shut and she tried not to laugh. "I know you are already awake, so just get up out of bed." I said bending down so that my face was directly in front of hers. "It's time to get up." I sang pressing light kisses all over her.

"Lou stop being so annoying." she giggled her eyes open now as she rubbed the sleep out of them and stretched out her arms. "I need my beauty sleep." she mumbled from underneath me.

"Well they you need to sleep forever then." I laughed and that only caused her to push me off of her then flip me off while she got up and stripped from her sleep wear. "I'm only kidding. I swear." I said laughing on the bed still as she just ignored me and got dressed.

"Cmon babe you know I love you. I mean I proposed to you didn't I?" I asked her getting off the bed and making my way to the bathroom where she was brushing her teeth. I stood behind her watching as she rolled her eyes at me when I moved her hair away from her neck and pressed my lips to her soft skin. This only caused her to pretend as if I wasn't there and continued to brush her teeth. "Ellie." I whispered into her ear as she shivered against me. I smirked as I kissed her jaw. She turned towards giving me one glance before moving away and spitting into the sick and rinsing her tooth brush before turning back to me and grabbed my collar spinning us around so that I was pinned between her and the sink. "Oh I like this side of you." I smirked.

Ellie just arched a brow at me before running her hand down my chest to my belt buckle. "What time is brunch?" She asked before pressing herself up against me. I was lost for words there was something in her eyes that rendered me speechless and made my knees weak. But frankly Ellie had always left me speechless and weak at the knees. "I think we should get going." she said before pressing a kiss on my cheek and walking out of the bathroom her hips swaying a bit.

God I love her.

We arrived at Ellie's parent house about half an hour late because of the whole bathroom incident and the fact that I had to relieve myself before we left. It would've been extremely difficult to walk with a boner.

"Are you ready now Lou?" Ellie asked from the passenger side glancing down at my crotch then laughing a bit.

"Shut up and get out of the car." I said rolling my eyes at her.

"Oh demanding." Ellie smiles before leaning over her lips grazing over mine.

"Ellie I swear..." I began but I just rolled my eyes and gripped onto her waist pulling her over the center console and pressing her body against mine. She smiled as a bit of her hair fell into her face and she looked so beautiful right now that I didn't care that we were right in front of her parents house or that we are in fact in my cramped car. I needed her so bad right now. "Ellie...." I began to say but was soon cut off with her hips moving against my lap. I bit my lip as she attached her lips to my neck and allowed for my hands to roam her body.

"I don't think we can be late to this." Ellie said sitting up suddenly causing me to curse under my breath. "Is there a problem Lou?" She asked sweetly and batting her eyelashes down at me.

"Nothing you can't help with." I smirked smugly at her.

"It will have to wait. We have to go tell my parents that we are engaged because you knocked me up." Ellie said seriously and then got out of the car leaving me seated in shock.

"Wait what?" I asked practically running after her.

"I'm only kidding. I swear." she said laughing a bit as she took my hand and walked into the house. "Or am I?" She asked arching a brow up at me with a smug smile on her lips.

This was going to be a long day.

Hellooooo I wish I was dating harry styles but I'm not so I'm at home eating pizza with a cardboard cut out of him hahahahaha I luv my LYFE

Anyways I love you all you guys are amazing and I hope you enjoy this chapter because I love you guys

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