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I sat tapping my fingers on the arm of the plastic chair, it seemed like I have been waiting for the doctor to come out with some news about Ellie for like five hours but whenever I looked up at the clock it was only five  minutes. I tried to keep myself occupied but I couldn't, at first I went down to the cafeteria hoping that I would get something to eat but everything there just made me feel nauseaous, then I just started walking around the hospital and security got suspicious and told me I needed to wait in the waiting room like everyone else, the last thing I did was go to the bathroom and this all happened in a span of five minutes. I hated this,  I hated having to sit in these plastic chairs that were the least bit comfortable in a room that was full of nurses and doctors scrambling around to a new patient like every few seconds it was exhausting just watching them. I decided to just close my eyes and maybe get at least a bit of sleep just so I could feel at peace. Just so it would be like I was in a place that did not reek of death and sickness.

"Louis?" a soft voice called my name as I opened my eyes. I had to blink a few times before I could really get a good grasp as to what was happening right now. Standing in front of me was a little girl who looked exactly like Ellie when she was young. It  was uncanny how much they looked a like especially with the same puzzled look on their faces.

"Hmm?" I asked sitting up as the little girl looked at me and smiled. I took a look around and started to slowly reconginize where I was. It was Zayn's  backyard to his townhouse and everyone was here but they all looked older. Niall was laughing loudly with a beer in his hand and his arm wrapped around short burnette who was smiling widely up at him. Harry was laying down on the grass with a little boy crawling all over him, the little boy had crazy curly hair and bright green eyes, looked exactly  like Harry but a few of his features matched Ellie. Ellie! Where's Ellie? I asked  myself as I sat straight up and the little girl watched me with wide eyes. "Where's Ellie?" I asked the girl, she seemed about ten years old with her hair braided back and a few brown strands seemed to have escaped the braid.

"Ellie?" she said as if she was getting a taste of the name for the first time then her eyes lit up and she smiled. "My mommy! She's in the kitchen with Gabby." she said pointing towards the house and picked up a ball that was resting on the ground by my feet. "But are you sure-"  she began to say before I nodded my head and ran over to the house.

"Ellie?" I called into the house as I walked quickly to the kitchen.

"In here!" I heard her sweet voice call as I turned the corner to see her hair tied up haphazardly in a bun as a cherry patterned apron was tied around her body. My first instinct was to hug her and that's exactly what I did. I embraced her from behind and buried my face into her neck as I smelt her perfume which was like ectasy to my senses. However, it was all over as quickly  as it started,she quickly turned around and pushed me away with a confused  look on her face just as a skinny, tan, curly haired girl walked in carrying a little girl with her thumb in her mouth and big blue eyes staring at me.

"Lou?" the mysterious girl asked as she looked at me with the same confused look on her face. "Are you okay?  Bella said that Emmy accidentally kicked the soccer ball to your head, do you want some ice?" she asked walking over to me and  softly moved some hair from my forehead as I could feel Ellie's eyes burn into the side of my head.

"Who are you?" I asked looking up at the girl who had dark brown eyes that were so warm and inviting.

She smiled sweetly and lightly placed her hand on my cheek, " I'm Gabby, your wife, this is Kora your daughter and that's Ellie, Harry's wife." She said before lightly placing Kora on the floor and going to the freezer and grabbing some ice and placing it in a towel, "Now stop messing around and go sit on the couch. You're getting a bump on your head."  Gabby said placing the towel lightly on my head and guiding my hand to where the towel is and softly kissing my cheek before guiding me to the couch.

"He sure likes joking around." I heard Ellie laugh in the kitchen.

"He did get hit pretty hard so no wonder he was completely clueless." Gabby responded.

"That explains why he came running into the kitchen and hugged me probably thinking it was you because your usually the one who is always doing the cooking being that you are the professional here." Ellie replied and I could hear the smile in her face.

"Shut up and call everyone in."  Gabby said.

What the fuck? I asked myself as I flashed forward to where everyone was sitting around the table enjoying the food. I watched as Ellie was sitting next to Harry smiling and laughing as she would check up on the little boy that looks exactly like Harry.

"Louis? Are you listening?" gabby whispered next to me and I turned to her shaking my head. "Harry asked for the mashed potatoes." she smiled pointing to the bowl of mashed potatoes next to me.

"Sorry." I  mumbled before handing Harry the potatoes. Just watching Harry and Ellie made me want to vomit. This is a dream it has to be a dream because there is no way in hell or on earth that Ellie and Harry would end up together.

"Mr. Tomlinson?" A familiar voice asked as I was softly shaken , I opened my eyes to see the girl from my dream and I immediately sat up in my chair. "I'm sorry if I startled you but you can see her now." the nurse smiled as I glanced at her name tag which read G. Hood.

I stood up and she smiled softly before motioning me to follow here. I scratched the back of my neck before clearing my throat, she turned to look at me with confused look then she smiled sheepishly, "She had a minor panic attack but that wasn't what caused her to faint. She fainted because she was very low on iron, her iron level were so low that it was almost completely diminished. Did she tell she that she was getting weird bruises and feeling light headed?" she asked before quickly stopping in front of a door.

"No not really." I answered trying to think of anything that Ellie said that seemed way out of the usual.

"Well she has iron deficiency meaning that she is anemic and that she needs to take iron supplements because during menstrual cycle her blood could clot which can be fatal." the nurse said before opening the door and walking in. I followed behind her wondering why the hell Ellie never said anything about feeling a bit odd. "Mrs. Tomlinson? How are you feeling?" the nurse politely asked her.

"I'd feel better if I could go home." Ellie said frustrated which cause my to let out a small laugh. "Lou." she smile before sitting up and holding her hand out to me which I easily took and sat at the edge of the bed. Her hands are so small compared to mine and now they are especially cold, they have always been cold but right now they feel even colder.

"I missed you." I smiled and she just nodded her head.

"I miss you too." she replied.

The nurse smiled ad left the room after checking on Ellie's vitals once I heard the door click close I turned to Ellie with a serious expression which she returned with a confused one." I had the weirdest dream. Actually it was a nightmare."


hi im back sorry for being a butt and like leaving for like ever then giving you this shitty chapter pls don't hate me and idk when I will update again hopefully before school starts again and thank you for reading and staying with me even though I have no idea where this story is going and HAPPY HOLIDAYS

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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