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We walked up to the front door of my parents house and I raised my hand to knock on the door but before I could do that the front door flew open and Tatianna stood there with a smile on her face.

"Mom saw you guys walk up." she spoke look between me and Louis, "She is making waffles right now so she couldn't come to the door." Tati spoke before she turned on her heel and walked into the house.

I just shrugged my shoulder pulling Louis into the house as the smell of food wafted through the air. In the living room my dad was sitting on the recliner watching a soccer game and my brother Scotty was sitting on the couch his arm around a pretty brunette and my sister was sat next to the neighbor, Harry. Their pinky's intertwined and her head on his shoulder. I glanced back at Louis with a knowing smile and he just rolled his eyes before pressing a soft kiss on my cheek and walking off to greet my dad as I went to the kitchen to say hi to my mom.

"Elizabeth!" She called once I stepped into the kitchen causing me to jump, "don't touch the strawberries." she said her back still towards me as I slowly put the strawberry in my had back down.

"Why?" I asked walking towards her and the waffle maker.

"Because it's for brunch." She spoke before finally turning towards me.

"But eating one isn't going to kill anyone." I muttered grabbing the whipped cream and taking the cap off before my mom grabbed it out of my hand and shaking her head no.

"That's a nice ring, Elizabeth." she spoke placing the whipped cream on the counter again. "When were you going to tell me?" She asked her face unreadable.

"Actually today during brunch when everyone was happy because they are eating your delicious food." I spoke with a small smile.

"Why wait?" She asked slightly confused.

"So if you didn't like it I would be able to leave nice and full from eating." I laughed light heartedly.

"I told you I'm okay with you and Louis and now that I know he is serious about things then I'm perfectly fine with it." My mom spoke with a light smile.

"Really?" I asked absolutely dumb founded.

"Yes, now help me set the food on the table."

We sat around the table my dad at one head of the table and my mom at the other I sat next to my dad on his right then Louis sat next to me and across from me was Scotty and his girlfriend, Elise, and then Tatiana sat next to Elise and Harry next to Louis. It was a lovely set up and I'm pretty sure devoured half my body weight in waffles. The meal was coming to a close and I decided it was time to tell everyone and Louis just gave me a small smile with the quick nod of his head saying he was ready too.

"Um I have something I need to tell you all." I spoke and every turned their attention to me and Scotty gave me a knowing smirk.

"You're pregnant." Tati said and that earned a scold from my mom and a mumbled sorry as Harry tried to hold in his laughter.

"No I'm not pregnant." I said rolling my eyes and instinctively grabbing hold of Louis's hand, "Me and Louis are getting married." I said and every clapped and smiled.

"Ellie everyone knew already we were just waiting for you to tell us." my father laughed and I was in complete shock that this wasn't anything new to them.

"How'd you know?" I asked my father and he just smiled at Louis and they exchanged knowing glances and I looked at Louis still a bit confused.

"Well I was going to propose three years ago but we got into that accident so your parents and family have been expecting it for three years." Louis spoke my hand still in his.

I just nodded my head a small smile on my lips. This brunch went way better than I expected it to go. I mean obviously the biggest weight that had been lifted off my shoulders was the fact that my mother would probably bash my head in, completely out raged about Louis and I or she would've understood that Louis and I are a real relationship and things weren't going to end for us. I'm very glad she picked the latter one because when my mom is anger its a really scary sight. It was actually nice to have the whole family sit at the table and enjoy themselves and actually have a family gathering that didn't involve snide remarks or hostile tones. Usually that would happen at family outings or gatherings such as this one. Me or Scotty would say something that we either thought was funny or peculiar an my mother would immediately bash on us and then that would lead into a fight and my father seemed to do nothing about it until we were back home were he would talk to my mom then to either my brother or I whichever one started the fight. Occasionally Tati would get in trouble but that's very rare and when that did happen it was complete and utter chaos.

Everyone in the house yelled whether it be my mom at Tati or me and Tati or Scotty at Tati or my father at all of us. Somehow the entire family was dragged into the fight. So it was nice to have those rare family gatherings where everything was peaceful and nobody fought. But that only seemed to last for the first twenty minutes.

"Mom, can Harry and I be excused from brunch?" Tatiana asked looking over at my mother her eyes wide as she begged to leave the table.

"No." my mother said sternly and Tatiana's retorted into irritation.

"Why not?" She demanded standing up from the table.

"Because I said so. Now Tatiana please sit down and finish brunch." my mother said trying to get her teenage daughter to behave.

"No I will not all this family does is oppress and command everyone and it's sickening me and Harry are leaving and you can't stop us." she said her voice loud as she went around the table grabbed Harry's arm and marched out of the house slamming the door behind her. The house was quiet for a while all of us stunned by Tatiana's sudden out burst. I didn't dare look at my mom and I don't think Louis dared to look up from his plate.

"These waffles are magnificent." Louis said breaking the silence and I couldn't help but bust up laughing. Soon the entire table was either laughing or smiling. Then I realized that's what this entire family did in awkward situations we all laughed until we forgot what situation we were in that was awkward in the first place.

So there's that
I know it sucks and I'm sorry it's just that even with school over I still have to study and do summer work so anyways I love you all and pray for me this weekend when I'm taking the SAT again and I love you guys

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