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wow what am I doing? I made this while having to pee so sorry if it's rushed and crappy

I was standing in the corner watching the crowd of people moving together in sync. I finished my drink and was working on my fourth I didn't want to be here so I just decided to drink until I could trick my mind into wanting to be here. I wish I was like Alex and as soon as I walk into a club my worries are lifted and I just let loose and have fun she was currently wedged between two guys giggling and laughing as the danced. I sighed and pressed my back against the wall and closed my head tilting my head back.

"wow you are having so much fun." I heard a voice whisper in my ear as their breathe fanned against my neck causing my eyes to shoot open and look at the guy.

I was at lost for words because first of all he scared the living shit out of me and second of all it was the guy I saw at school today. "sorry if I scared you." he smirked pulling out a joint an lighting it. "want some?" he asked holding it out to me and I grabbed the joint out of his hand with shaky hands and he chuckled at my nervousness. i took a hit and blew out the smoke the alcohol kicking and soon the weed. "I would've never expected to see you here tonight." he said leaning against the wall and taking the joint come my hand and taking a hit.

"you don't even know me." I said rolling my eyes.

"wow she speaks." he laughed.

"shut the fuck up." I said fighting back a smile as I took the joint from him.

"Ellie I know more about you then you know about yourself." he said looking down at me with a devilish smile.

"enlighten me." I said arching a brow taking a hit from the joint.

"you're daddy's favorite and you've recently had a yearning to being different and getting out of your shell so you decided to rebel against your parents by dating a bad boy on a motor cycle but then the boy left you alone in this big city so you built up these walls that no one could take down and you enjoy dangerous things because it makes you feel alive and the way it felt to be with him." he said looking down at me with his dark eyes.

once again this stranger has rendered me speechless. my mouth was dry and I didn't have a clue on how to reply to what he just said. "am I close?" he questioned taking the joint from my hand.

"not far." I said chugging down my drink and grabbing another from the bar that I ordered earlier.

"Tobias." he said holding his hand out to me.

"Ellie, but you already know that." I smirked.

he laughed and I was beginning to feel thankful that Alex made me come out tonight. we smoked some more and drank some more until we were laughing at nothing and falling all over each other. we ended up stumbling to a booth were we were now sitting close together and I turned to look at Tobias to find that he was starring at me already. and I wasn't thinking but I grabbed his collar and pulled him close to me my lips pressing against him with such longing and need. he pulled away looking down at me his lips tinted red with my lipstick as he smirked.

"wanna get out of here." he said attaching his lips to my neck.

I nodded my head as we stumbled out of the club and into the night he hailed a cab and we got in giggling and laughing as our hands were all over each other. we pulled up to my apartment and stumbled up a few flights until we got to my floor. I grabbed the key out of my bag but then fumbled with it as it almost fell on the ground I laughed loudly as he laughed against my skin. I pushed open the door and he kicked it shut pinning me quickly against the wall and hiked up my dress so his hands ran over my exposed skin.

the next thing I knew my back fell into the softness of my bed and our clothes were scattered around the apartment and in between kisses I would giggle and he would laugh against my skin. right now at this very moment I felt free like I finally was happy again even it did involve drugs and alcohol.

I woke up my head throbbing and my limbs sore as they were tangled in the sheets. I flipped over my head in the pillow as I groaned and stretched my arm hitting something and I shot up grabbing the sheets around me.

"what the hell!" I said loudly as I looked at the sleeping boy next to me.

I poked his back and saw the red marks going down his back and I looked at my nails in horror. what the fuck happened last night. he groaned and rolled over his arm covering his eyes and his hair was sticking up in every direction. "good morning..." he trailed off looking at me with confused eyes, "I'm sorry but I forgot your name." he laughed but then winced.

"it's Ellie. I'm sorry what's your name?" I questioned feeling ashamed and looking away.

"Tobias and it's okay you were screaming it last night." he smirked causing me to grab a pillow and hit his chest.

"did I do that to your back?" I questioned unsure if I wanted to know the answer.

"it's seems like it Ellie." he said pulling on his boxers.

"I'm sorry." I said softly getting up and wrapping the sheet around me.

"no it's okay. I don't think it's sex unless you leave scratches on my back and soft purple bruises on your collar bones and neck." he said grinning widely and gesturing to my neck and chest.

"oh well thanks." I laughed laying back in bed as I watched him dress himself. he patted down his dark hair and looked at me before winking a crawling on top of me and placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"I'll text you later Ellie." he said pulling back from the kiss with a smile. "you were a great fuck." he said before walking out and letting Alex in with wide eyes and coffee an pastries in her hand a large sunglasses covering her eyes.

"get dressed and tell me everything." she smirked.

so that happened

and sorry Louis isn't in the story yet I just want to build up how Ellie's life is going so you can get the full feel of things.

i love you all and I hope you enjoy this story because I put a lot of time into it anyways you guys know what to do lol xoxo

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