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I laid on the couch my hair a bit damp as I had my legs curled up close to my chest. Louis was somewhere doing something I wasn't really listening to what he was saying when he left. so I just stayed here while I finished up some homework and watched some reruns of Doctor Who. Louis hate watching Doctor Who with me because he said it was way too confusing for him and I would just laugh an tell him it's because he is so simple minded which would lead to him trying to tickle me until I said uncle or felt like I was going to pee.

So I was just laying her watching tv and not wanting to move because my legs felt too exhausted and wobbly to even hold me up. Then the front door swung open letting a cool breeze causing goosebumps to run up my skin as I peeked over the couch to see Louis with a big smile on his face and his hands behind his back. "I just thought of something great." he said he smile growing wider.

"Is it closing the front door." I said rubbing my hands over my arms.

"No. Get dressed." he said and I groaned and leaned back into the couch. "Please El get dressed you are part of this something great." he said walking over to me on the couch and pulling at my arms. I groaned again and slowly got up the couch before walking back up to the room to change into my warmer clothes since the sun began to set.

I slipped on a pair of jeans a large grey sweater that was probably Louis's and a black jacket before shoving my feet into some converse. I ran back down the stairs to see Louis pacing back and forth in the kitchen his eye brows furrowed with nervousness. "Lou?" I said quietly and his head shot up at me with a smile tugging on his face. "Where are we going?" I asked as he took my small hand into his calloused one.

"You'll see love." he said placing a quick kiss on my temple before leading me outside to the car.

The wind was blowing lightly and I could feel the cool breeze make my nose as ears tint red as I quickly got into the car to escape the breeze. Louis was mumbling incoherent things and I just nodded along to what he was saying a small smile tugging on my lips because he seemed so nervous and he kept reaching for my hand an playing with my fingers as if it would reassure him that I was still in the car next to him. I smiled and watching him intently as he drove through the night. He is so beautiful. you wouldn't really describe a man as being beautiful but I think that is utter bullshit because Louis is the definition of beauty. His facial structure seemed like it has been carved from the gods themselves and his m crystal blue eyes seem to hold reassurance as well as mischievous and that his eyes already knew all the secrets about you even without you having to tell him. it was both beautiful and scary and I loved it. I loved him. Everything about him made him so loved and beautiful and I couldn't get over the fact that I myself was with him.

"Ellie, staring isn't polite." he said glancing over at me giving me a smirk.

"Keep your eyes on the road." I said hitting his arm playfully.

"How can I keep my eyes on the road when the most beautiful girl in the world is sitting right next to me with her cheeks flushed because I called her out for staring." he said looking at me for a split second.

"Lou-" I began to say but my attention was turned to something else as I saw the headlights of a another car flash towards us and I felt Louis throw his arm against my chest.

The impact felt as though it took seconds but the aftermath had me laying on the cold ground for hours. I could hear the sirens and the shouts of the people but k stayed motionless in the ground. I was frozen in place my limbs sprawled out and I felt the cooking drip of blood from my nose. I slowly started to sit up as I looked around to see Louis's car flipped on its top and then the huge truck that hit us spun out and crashed into the wooded area. I slowly stood up my legs having trouble holding me up as my head pounded and I rubbed the blood from my nose and looking down at the cool grass in front of me as I waited for the dizziness to subside.

I walked over to the shouting and the sirens. I needed to see Louis. I need to find him. I looked around at the mess that is in front of me the car was steaming as if they just put out a fire and the police were slowly regulating the minimal traffic that came through. "Louis." I breathed.

I felt a few hands grab me as I looked around my vision foggy and my head thumping as I saw them rolling him unconsciously in the back of the ambulance. He looked so painfully still as his chest rose up and down slowly and faintly. Then I felt the warm tears fall down my face a difference from the cold feeling that shook my body.

I didn't realize that I was fighting until I fell against the arms of the person holding me. My body completely down with struggling. I didn't have the power to scream and kick anymore all I did was cry as they laid me back in another ambulance telling me everything is going to be alright and I will see him soon. I tried to believe them. believe me I tried my best but I couldn't help but shake the cold feeling that I will wake up in the cold white fluorescent light hospital and walk out into a grey day and Louis won't be next to me. I just couldn't shake that feeling and I think that's what hurt me more, the thought of not being able to have Louis hold my hand or lay next to him in bed even when we were mad at each other he would still pull me into his arms.

Then my world went black.

Don't hate me

Here's the update I know it sucks and I'm sorry for it sucking but hey at least I updated an ill try to update again next weekend bc school stinks well I love you guys and I miss you guys so much and if you want you can comment, vote, and share but only if you want ilysm xoxo

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