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the video above made me cry tbh

the look on Louis's face when I gave him the ring, his face was a mixture of shock and disappointment. I've been wearing that ring ever since he gave it to me and this was the first time I took it off and I honestly felt naked without it. I walked over to my jewelry box on my dresser and opened looking at the assortment of jewelry and pulled out a simple ring that was a silver band with a small circular emerald embedded into it. I placed on my finger where the promise ring was and closed my eyes with a sigh. it was really over. I told him to leave and he did. he wasn't going to come back.

that's when I broke down. a sob raked through my body as I sat down on my bed placing my head into my hands as my tears began to fall. I couldn't help but cry and you would think after all the times that I've cried today I wouldn't have any tears left but I do. it was even surprising to me.

there was a knock on my door and I quickly wiped my tears and took in a deep breath before standing up and walking to the door. I swung it open to see Tobias standing in front of me with a wide grin that immediately turned into a straight line when he saw me.

"have you been crying?" he questioned making his way into my apartment.

"no." I lied closing the door and following him to the kitchen.

"you are such a bad liar. come here babe." he said opening his arms to me. I fell into him and I felt the tears start to fall again as he held me close.

"I'm ruining your shirt." I laughed pulling away from him.

"it makes it seem more vintage." he laughed wiping the tears away from my cheeks. "now who is the fucker that made you cry?" he asked putting his hands on my shoulders.

"it's a long story." I mumbled quietly.

"I have time shall we go to a hipster coffee shop and discuss it?" he asked with a small smile.

"God that sound divine." I laughed.

"then go get ready." he said turning my around hen slapping my butt as I walked away.

"yes sir." I laughed running to the bed.

"I prefer daddy!" he called at me causing me to laugh louder as I grabbed some clothes and stripped from my pajamas. I slipped on a large grey sweater with some dark blue skinny jeans and shoved my feet into my rain boots before going to the bathroom and splashing cold water on my face to make it less red. I applied some concealer to cover up the bags under my eyes and applied some mascara and light pink lipstick. I grabbed my coat and scarf quickly brushing my hair and going back out to Tobias who was watching a cat video on his phone and giggling.

"ready?" he asked quickly putting his phone away as his cheeks reddened.

"yes daddy." I smirked throwing my scarf on.

"keep talking like that and we won't make it to the cafe." he said with a wink.

"oh god you sicken me." I laughed as we linked arms and walked out of the apartment.

we walked to the cafe with a mixture of laughing and me hitting him playfully. Tobias was telling me some jokes that were either extremely dirty or completely stupid there was no in between. we got to the cafe as Tobias opened the door for me and we walked in and I took a seat at a table near the back and away from everyone as Tobias went and ordered me a chai latte and him some crazy drink that I couldn't remember what was going in it.

he came back with the drinks handing me one and his in his hand as he sat down. his free hand grabbed mine and he looked me in the eye. "now tell me everything babe." he said with a soft smile. and I did tell him everything from first moving to Doncaster, to meeting Louis for the first time, to Louis and I becoming official, to being kidnapped and attacked, to Louis leaving me, me having a breakdown then becoming myself again, to Louis showing up six months later in the pouring rain, to me letting him back into my life, to moving in with him, to living together perfectly for half a year, then to him waking up one night telling him he was leaving, then me breaking down again, then to last night when I was raped, then to him taking me back home after I fainted, to me waking up and seeing him again, and then finally to me telling him to leave and giving him the promise ring back. "I don't even know anymore." I said shaking my head and looking down at my hands playing with my ring. "I mean I miss him like crazy but I'm afraid."

I looked up at Tobias who was watching me intently. his brown eyes scanning my face as I stated back at him with a questioning glare. "he has got you good." he said with a smirk.

"what?" I asked slightly confused.

"he has got you good. by this I mean that you love him too much to let him go he may be bad for you but he so good for you as well. I mean I'm guessing that you lost your virginity to him, didn't you?" Tobias replied after looking at me for a while.

"yea..." I answered trailing off.

"he was your first love and still is right?" Tobias asked.

"yea..." I said again not looking up at Tobias.

"you love him right?" Tobias inquired causing me to look up.

"of course but-" I began but was cut off my Tobias.

"but what? your afraid? afraid of what? falling hopelessly in love like before and not being able to leave him? love is a beautiful and crazy unpredictable thing. might as well risk it a little." Tobias said leaning back in his chair.

"I don't know..." I said losing my train of thought.

"enough with the i don't knows. call him." Tobias said getting up and holding his hand out to me.

"and say what Tobias? oh hey Louis I know I told you to leave but I was afraid and I want you right here, right now with me." I said sarcastically taking Tobias's hand.

"that's perfect." he laughed holding my hand. "just kidding say whatever comes to mind." he shrugged as we walked out of the cafe.

"I don't kno- I mean okay I'll try." I said shaking my head.

"that's the girl I know." he said ruffling my head.

"stop." I whined hitting his stomach lightly.

Tobias walked me back to my apartment and the hugged me tightly telling me to call Louis as soon as I got inside and then to text him how it went after words but he had to get to class before he failed. I walked into my apartment my hand gripping my phone as I walked over to the couch as sat down.

just call him. you can do. women up and call him. don't be a fuck boy and call him.

my finger hovered over his name I prayed that he didn't change his number. I pressed his name and put the phone up to my ear and closed my eyes as I listened to the phone connect and then ring. I was nervous and anxious my stomach was flipping and I felt like I was gonna vomit.

"hello? Ellie?" I heard his voice and I froze. "Ellie is this you? Ellie please talk to me." he said and I shook my head taking in his words.

"hi Louis." I said softly.

"Ellie it is you. is everything alright? are you okay?" he asked concern dripping through the phone.

"no and I'm not okay." I sighed my throat burning as it does when I'm about to cry.

"tell me what's wrong." he said down ruffling coming from the phone as he sat down.

"you're not here Lou. I just- I just need you here." I said barely above a whisper.

"I'm coming over." he said a door opening then closing. "shit I forgot my keys." he said not to me directly but I let out a small laugh. a door opened and closed again, "okay now I'm coming over."

"Louis you don't have to." I said shaking my head as f he could see it.

"too late I'm on my way." he laughed.

"okay." I smiled biting my lip.

"I gotta go see you in a few." he said before hanging up. I sighed and held the phone close to my chest.

I quickly text Tobias like he asked then threw off my coat and scarf and took off my boots before getting a blanket and turning on the tv. Louis was coming over just like old times and I was feeling just like I did the first time he came over. I felt like I was back in high school my stomach doing flips and I couldn't help but smile. I miss him a lot and I love him a lot I just hope he feels the same.

another update bc it is short and I was bored

I'm watching a walk to remember and currently crying my eyes out lmao I love life.

remember to comment and vote I mean if you feel like it if you don't then I totally understand ilysm xoxo

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