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It's almost coming to a close


I woke up the sheets carelessly wrapped around me as I groaned and stretched out my arms. I opened my eyes to be blinded my the morning sun before flipping over and burying my face into the fluff of the pillow. Memories of last night came flooding back into my brain. I smiled into the pillow as I turned and looked to see if Louis was still softly snoring beside me but I turned and looked to see a blank space. (a/n and I'll write your name) Immediately my heart began to race as I realized that Louis was no longer beside me. I quickly got out of bed quickly slipping on my underwear and the first shirt that I saw off the floor and sliding it over my head as I shoved my feet into some boots. I do not know exactly why my heart was racing or why I was basically sprinting down the stairs and almost tripping over Rango's chew toy.

I came down to the bottom of the stairs with a stomp as I blew s a few strands of hair out of my face as my eyes scanned the foyer and kitchen Then my eyes landed Louis who was smiling smugly at me as I walked over to him shaking my head ever so slightly. "You nearly gave me a heart attack." I breathed my hand on my chest.

"I just woke up its not like I literally got out of a coma." he said before realizing what he said and his cheeks grew red as he shook his head trying not to laugh as I scowled at him. "Too soon?" He asked as I glared at him.

"Yea way too soon." I sighed leaning against the counter watching him as he scrolled through his phone and drank his tea. It was weird seeing him doing things he would normally do because literally a day ago he was laying in a hospital bed with tubes and things in his body fighting to keep him alive. Now here he was sitting in front of me sipping his tea as if nothing happened.

"You're staring Elizabeth." he spoke as smirk showing on his face.

"It's just so weird." I confessed reaching over to touch his face gently as he leaned into my touch his eyes closing a bit.

"You're the one petting my face." he spiked after a second his eyes full of life.

"You're the one enjoying it." I fought back pulling my hand away from him just as he reached up and took my wrist pulling me closer to him.

"Where'd you expect to go wearing this?" He asked gesturing to my outfit which consisted of a grey shirt that was inside out and no pants while wearing some boots. His eyes scanned down my body taking it in as a blush grew on my face. His crystal blue eyes finally met mine as I tugged on my bottom lip suddenly feeling self conscious.

"I don't know." I said shaking my head and looking down at my feet.

"Well go back upstairs and actually get dressed because I wanna take you somewhere." He spoke his voice barely above a whisper as he held eye contact with me. I glanced down at him realizing he was dressed in some dark jeans and a black muscle top his skin was so pale from not going outside in ages.

"Yes sir." I smiled before turning quickly and running up the stairs. I quickly changed into a loose and flowing floral print dress that dropped to just above my knee as I pulled on my socks and slipped in some doc martens before quickly braiding a piece of my hair and rushing back down the stairs here Louis was standing with a smile on his lips.

"Ready?" He asked as I grabbed my keys from the counter. "Oh no we won't need those, love." he spoke gently taking the keys from my hand.

I looked at him confused for a bit but shrugged my shoulder and followed behind him.

It was an unusually warm day in Doncaster as me and Louis walked out of the house hand in hand. I had no idea where he was taking me and I knew that if I asked him a bunch a questions he would get annoyed and tell me to just go with the flow for once. Then I would tell him I am going with the flow and he would say no Elizabeth you are not flowing. That would usually lead to me just rolling my eyes and flipping him off and he would laugh finding this whole deal amusing. So I asked him.

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