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Ellie pulled away from Louis with a smile on her face as she looked closely at the boy who she adored more than anything. She couldn't help but feel the butterflies in her stomach or the tingling sensation that he seemed to give her everytime he ever so looked at her. Ellie was utterly and completely invested with Louis at this point in her life and she knew at this vey moment she truly did love him for who he is. She loved the way his hands seemed to caress her in the most gentle way. She loved the way he looked at her when they spoke as if she was the only one in the world that mattered. She loved the way he would whisper sweet nothings in her ear just to remind her how much he loved her. She especially loved the way his hand would mindlessly find hers and he would hold it tracing small patterens into her skin with her thumb. She loved him and everything about him. Ellie loved him so much to the point that being with out him would kill her.

When he was in his coma for three years she had no idea what to do. Honestly, when the doctors told her that news she felt as if he would wake up and tell her he tricked her and they would go about their normal lives. But no here he was three years later holding her in freezing cold water and kissing every part of her skin that was above the water whispering I love yous here and there. Throughout those three long years she would constantly tell herself that today would be the day Louis would wake up. Everyday was a battle with telling herself postive things and then crumbling down with the negative thoughts in her head. It felt as if everyone else was living thier own lives with starting families and moving back to their home town. Ellie thought that it was as if they didn't care but she knew that they did care but the only way they could cope and forget that something this tragic had happened was to go about their lives.

Ellie knew that she couldn't and wouldn't go about her life without Louis. But in a way she did. She was about to graduate from University in a week and she bought a dog and she went out shopping and getting ice cream with Louis's sisters and mum. She hadn't realized then but did right now that while she tried to not go about her life she did and that was what Louis was grateful for when he woke up.

Louis thought that once he woke up that Ellie wouldn't be by his side. That she had forgotten all about him and moved on in her life with another guy that could take better care for her and love her more. But on that day when he woke up and saw Ellie standing over him with a concerned look on her face he knew that she didn't leave him. At that moment he knew that he had to tie the knot and officially make Ellie his so they can both move on with their lives together. In this moment he was holding her in his arms both of them slightly shivering from the water when he lifted her up and took her out of the water onto the shore as she clasped onto him for dear life. He sent Ellie down carefully before wrapping a towel around her and then around him.

"Louis, what are you doing?" she asked as her teeth chattered from the cold.

"'M going to start a fire." Louis spoke a smile on his face as he tried and gathered all the matierals he assumed he needed to start a fire. "We are going to this the Tommo way." he finished by throwing a rather large log onto the pile. He got a match and light it before throwing it into the pile of wood and smiling proudly to himself as he watched the wood go up into flames of orange, yellow, and vibrant red.

Louis turned to see Ellie looking at the flames her eyes narrowing into it as she was thinking. Louis watched her not wanting to stop her thinking process and mainly because he loved looking at her. He loved watching her when she dozed off to sleep after an exhausting night. He loved watching her sing along, poorly might he add, to her favorite songs on the radio. He loved watching her smile and laugh at the funny stories he tells her or at her favorite comedy show. He loved watching her get so attached to a television program and how she would always at the exact time sit and watch it on the couch yet still rcord it and watch it the next day. He loved the way she looked when she was irritated or angry with him because he knew that when she got angry or irritated she still cared. He just loved her.

Ellie lookedaway from the fire and then at Louis who was watching her with a small smile on his lips. "You're staring Tomlinson." she spoke teasingly.

"That's what you are suppose to do when you look at art. You're suppose to stare." Louis spoke with ease as he watched the color rise to her cheeks. He also loved how easy it is for himtomake her blush.

She rolled her eyes before drying her self off and slipping on her socks and dress then shoes and grabbing a blanket to wrap around her sekf as she took a seat next to the fire to get warm. Louis did the same but instead of sitting he moved to walk directly infront of her his stilldamop hair falling into his eyes as he looked down at Ellie, fondness in his sea blue eyes. Ellie looked up at him slightly confused on what he was doing but then he got down on one knee and Ellie took in a deep breath her body instinctively moving forward. "Louis..." she breathed but he shook his head teling her not to speak.

"Ellie, love, beautiful, my whole world I know it has been a rough and emotionally tiring three years for you and i know there had to be days where you just wanted to give upon me but you didn't so here we are. I have known you for a good seven years that including the dumb ass year of me not being with you. I knew from the very first day that I saw your little bambi eyes that I knew you were different that i kmnew I wanted to spend the rest of my complicated life with you. And I still do. So Ellie please whatever you do don't say no. Will you marry me?" Lousi said looking up at Ellie whose eys where glossed over with tears.

She was quiet her heart racing as well as Louis's as he wited for the love of his life to answer him. She opened her mouth to speak a few tears falling down her face as she looked down at the ring Louis was holding that must've costed a fortune. She was in complete shock and Louis was about to lose it if she didnt say anything in the next second. "Louis I....."

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY and if you have problems with your mom or don't have a good relationship with your mom or no mom I would gladly take the part in being your mom and I love you guys so much!!!

And HAHAHAH cliffhanger

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