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I woke up in my underwear and my body was wrapped in a heavy blanket and my hair was in tangles. Also I wasn't laying in a bed but rather a patch of grass underneath a tree. I stood up with the blanket wrapped around me to see Louis laying a few feet away from me with his legs sprawled out like a starfish. I walked over to him the soft grass tickling my feet as the morning sun shined down on my exposed skin as the blanket slightly slid down my shoulder. I moved so that I was standing over Louis with my feet on either side of his side and I slowly sat down so that I was straddling him. I leaned over so that I was face to face with him and I gently placed a light kiss on the edge of his mouth, his nose scrunched a bit but he didn't wake up. I sighed and kissed his lips lightly and I knew he was awake when I felt his hands grip my waist and his lips molded to mine. I pulled away with a small smile on my lips as Louis looked up at me with hooded eyes as he wasn't fully awake.

"Good morning." I smiled down at him now realizing that he wasn't wearing a shirt and was only wearing his under wear. "How'd you end up like a few feet away from me?" I questioned looking at him as he yawned and stretched as I admired his biceps.

"You took the blanket for yourself so I went to look for another one but I couldn't find one and I guess I just fell asleep right here." He explained playing with the end of the blanket that was currently wrapped around me. "You should wake me up like this more often. At first I thought I was dreaming because I mean you are in your underwear and you are laying on top of me, so I thought I was dreaming but when I gripped your hips and I felt your skin I knew that I wasn't dreaming and I was like shit I have to wake up. But I wish I didn't because I wondered what else you were going to do to wake me up." He said his fingers moving away from the blanket and onto my thigh as he traced circles and caused me to get goosebumps up and down my entire body.

"If you didn't wake up I was going to get some water and dump it on you but I thought I should be nice first." I said laughing as he just looked at me with wide eyes once I said that I was going to dump water on him.

I looked down at him with a smile as he just shook his head and placed his arms behind his head so he was just staring up at me with a smirk on his lips and his bright blue eye were full of mischief. I wondered what he was thinking about right now because I was thinking about him and also ice cream because I was really craving a big scoop of mint and chip ice cream or cookies and cream or a soft serve. But that was in the back of my mind what I was really thinking about is that in a span of like five years I have been with Louis. While some of those years weren't that pleasant and in those years Louis was in a coma so I was with him but he wasn't with me. But I would've never imagined that I would be here right now with Louis. Like I never would've imagined us laying on grass on an actually sunny day in Doncaster while we were both in our underwear only four months away from our wedding. It was all so surreal that it actually finally hit me and I felt like the world was spinning and I was going to vomit. Louis also noticed this because while he was once laying peacefully in the grass he was now sitting straight up with my face in his hands. He was looking at me with so much concern that I actually felt even lighter headed.

"El?" he asked as he moved my hair away from my face softly, "What's wrong love?" he questioned his voice soft and I just felt my muscles stop and I fell into Louis's bare chest. I felt like the world was closing in on me and I couldn't breathe. Louis immediately shot up and lifted me off the ground as I felt that my skin began to clam up and my throat was aching as if tears were going to fall but my eyes weren't wet with tears. He rushed to the car grabbing our clothes and once we got into the car he threw a jumper over my head and told me something that I didn't hear. My ears were buzzing as if I was surrounded by a swarm of bees and his voice was fuzzy and my sight was blurry whether it be from tears of that I couldn't actually focus in on anything. I tried to breathe but it felt as if someone was strangling me and I had no strength to fight back because I couldn't feel my arms or my legs and I couldn't hear myself talk or really think actually. Everything was a blur as I was shaking in my seat and Louis sped down the streets and I felt like I was going to vomit but it was stuck in my throat.

The next thing I knew I was being wheeled in a place that was lit brightly and everything was white and people were shouting things but I didn't understand a thing. My heart was racing and my breathing was labored. I couldn't think straight and I actually had no idea what to think because I had no idea where I was. I could faintly see Louis's figure of who I thought was Louis I had no idea who it was but I reached out to hold their hand or at least I think I did that because I felt someone touch my skin ever so lightly and then the shouting became quieter and I couldn't focus on anything. My breathing wasn't labored anymore it was forced and I felt like a huge weight was pressing down on my chest stopping me from breathing. I couldn't tell if I was scared or angry I couldn't control my feeling and I felt a wetness go down my face so I didn't know if I was crying. Everything seemed to happening all at once and at lighting speed. I couldn't grasp reality but yet everything seemed to slow down at once and the lights became blindly and breathing became too much work.

Then everything went black.


holy shit

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