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italics are nobody's pov it's like third person just an fyi

I sat there for hours taking people's money and giving them change that they would find later in the morning and wonder how they spent so much money on alcohol. I was tired I wanted to go home and sleep but I had to wait for Louis as he helped the employees clean up and finally everyone was gone and he closed up. the sun was rising and I knew it was already early in the morning. I felt sick to my stomach and my head was spinning. I got up a little too quickly and I had to grip into the counter because the room felt like it was spinning.

"are you okay?" Louis asked rushing over to me trying to get me to stand up right.

"yea I'm fine." I lied, I felt like shit.

"no you aren't. you are extremely pale and look like you are about to pass out any second. I'm taking you to the hospital." he said his voice coming in and out. I couldn't focus on him or what he was saying.

I knew I said something after but I had no idea what I was saying I felt as if the world was moving around me and all I could go was watch. I couldn't feel my arms or legs as Louis practically dragged me out of the bar and to his car. the ride to the hospital was a blur I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't. I felt some one pull me out of the car and then there was a bright light and noses and yelling but I couldn't make out the voices or the people. I felt like I was a ghost watching over them and not allowed to tell them anything.

she looked pale but then again so did he. she was struggling to figure out where she was and he was just trying to get her back to the way she was. he loved her so much that his heart would burst if anything happened to her yet she didn't know his love for her. she just felt as if he was trying again and didn't fully love her like she does. neither of them knew how strong their love was for each other. so he sat beside her bed side her frail cold hands in his calloused warm ones as doctors, nurses came in and out.

"what happened?" the doctor first asked him and he was lost for words.

"she looked pale. I mean so pale and she couldn't stand and she was muttering incoherent things and when I talked to her she wouldn't answer as if she couldn't hear a thing I was saying." Louis said looking as the doctor scribbled away on his clip board. another doctor walked in behind him, she began looking at Ellie her gloved hands examining her mouth, eyes, and ears. the lady looked at the first doctor and whispered something Louis couldn't hear and he nodded his head.

"has she been eating?" the male doctor asked as the female one looked at Ellie with sad eyes and moved her hair from her face.

Louis thought for a while looking down at Ellie. has she eaten anything he thought? she knew that she has eaten but then she would feel sick and throw it all back up but Louis didn't know. Louis has seen her eat a few thing here and there but never a full meal like a sandwich or something she was always drinking peppermint tea which was suppose to calm your stomach if you were feeling ill in the stomach but he never noticed her eating a full fledged meal. "I don't know." Louis announced after a long pause.

"well she is under weight greatly." female doctor finally spoke up.

Louis just looked at the two doctors as they looked over the clip board in the male doctors hand. "one moment." the male doctor said before stepping out of the curtained area with the female doctor.

Louis looked over at Ellie she had tubes in her, helping her breathe steadily and another in her forearm pumping a fluorescent liquid in her. she didn't look like Ellie she looked different to Louis. she looked like a weaker version of Ellie and she knew she was weak but she didn't know how to help herself. Ellie didn't tell anyone about her problems because she didn't want to burden them and she didn't want to feel like a burden on people. but Louis knew she wasn't a burden, she never could be.

the male doctor came back this time without his clipboard and his hands in his coat pocket. "it seems like Elizabeth has an eating disorder. there are two options here; we could admit her to a facility that will help her get better but you wouldn't be able to see her for two months or we can give her some medications and have her be watched all the time and she would have to go to therapy twice every week. since she isn't awake at this time. it is up to you to make the decision because you seem to know what is best for her." the male doctors finished with a small smile.

without thinking twice about the option Louis picked the second one and the doctor nodded his head strolling out of the curtained area leaving Louis to think.

and then I woke up. my eyes opened and were momentarily blinded by the bright light I looked over to see Louis sleeping in a plastic uncomfortable chair. his head was leaning back his mouth wide open as his arm were crossed at his chest. I smiled softly before looking around. I knew I was in the hospital most likely the emergency ward because of the curtained walls and the screaming in pain or the rushing of feet. the curtain flew open revealing a man with a clip board and he smiled looking at me. "good morning Elizabeth." he said before looking back at the clip board. "it seems to be that we are moving you to the second level to make room in the emergency ward. I'll wake up your friend." he said before a group of nurses came in and began to roll me out and I looked around for Louis but I couldn't see him.

I arrived at the second level and in my room as the nurses situated me and Louis came rushing in his eyes tired and his hair a mess and his skin scruffy from not shaving. "Louis." I smiled as he came over to the side of the bed an held my hand in his and his slightly chapped lips brushed against my skin.

after Louis telling me everything that happened a female doctor walked in and she had another clipboard she smiled at me and Louis who was sitting in a chair close to the hospital bed holding me hand. "hello I'm Dr. Kirkland and I'm here to check up on you Elizabeth. so you will be staying with us for a couple days because we need to run a few tests for your medications. are you aware of your options?" she asked as I nodded, "okay so you picked option two and so we need to run tests for the certain type of medications you are gonna take just in case you are allergic to any of them. so if you need anything just call." she smiled before going ahead and checking my vitals and then she wrote some things down on her clipboard then walked out.

"what if you picked the first option?" I asked turning to look at Louis.

"then you would be sent to an asylum in the middle of the countryside where no one can hear your screams." he said with the straightest face ever.

"it would've been like American Horror Story." I laughed softly.

"you would enjoy that?" Louis asked his brows raised.

"probably not." I sighed. "I'm sorry."

"for what?" he asked.

"for everything, for not telling you, for not knowing myself, and for not being able to help myself. this is all my fault." I said my voice shaky.

"Ellie don't blame yourself. please don't blame yourself it isn't your fault you can't help it." he said rubbing his thumb against my palm. "everything is going to be alright." he said softly I could tell he was doubting himself a bit I mean I was doubting myself as well but I wasn't trying to hide it, Louis was.

"I hope so." I said feeling a burning sensation in my throat. I was about to cry again. I'm always crying now.

okay my computer is broken it just like broke down so I'm on my mobile so this is probably crappy and short again I'm truly sorry

pls comment I really like reading what you all have to say and DONT HAS REACHED 1K READS ISNT THAT AMAZING IM SO HAPPY THANK YOU GUYS ILYSM AND IM SO HAPPY RN XOXO

oh and self promo if you want you can follow me on Twitter @/mulingalaxy

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