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hahahahaha intimate

I laid there as Louis lips kissed every inch of my kiss my eyes fluttered close enjoying all the attention he was giving me. I was enjoying every scold of his hands on my body and my fingers tangled in his hair as our sweaty bodies pressed together. he placed his lips against mine as my legs wrapped around his torso bringing him closer to me. he began thrusting in and out as I let myself fall back into the pillows holding onto Louis's arms. I felt my body tense and then loosen and soon Louis collapsed next to me his face buried in my neck pressing soft open mouth kisses on my skin. "I love you." he spoke breathlessly.

"I love you." I replied back wrapping my body around him as he wrapped a blanket around us.

I could just lay there next to him for the rest of my life and I would be content with everything. I could relive this moment forever. the way his hair fell messily in his face and the way his blue eyes seemed to shine brighter and his tan skin slicked thinly with sweat. the entire time he was mumbling sweet nothings into my ear and telling me how much he loves me and how much he loves this. he kept telling me how beautiful I look under him and that I should stay under him like this forever and I would just kiss his swollen lips.

we laid there listening to our breathing become even as our bodies were tangled together. it was Louis who moved first he got up and pulled on some boxers and I laid in the sheets watching him with hooded eyes. "babe you look so hot right now." he said his eyes darkening as I grabbed his arm an pulled him back down my lips attaching to his for a heated kiss. I pulled away and got up picking up my underwear from the floor and sliding them up my leg and pulling Louis shirt over my head. I walked over to him while he was leaning against the counter watching me. I felt his arms snake around my waist pulling me close to him. he kissed my lips chastely then moved down my lips to my jaw then my neck where he sucked and nipped at it like he did with the other marks on my body.

it was as if he was fascinated with every part of my body and couldn't stop himself from kissing every bit of it. I felt his hands slid under the fabric of the shirt as he lifted me from my waist and placed me on the cool counter. "you are so beautiful Ellie." he spoke quietly as I looked down at him with a content smile.

"thank you. you aren't too bad yourself." I smiled bringing his lips to mine.

"would it be crazy if I married you?" he asked suddenly causing me to look at him with wide eyes my heart was thumping loudly in my chest.

"it'd be even crazier if I said yes." I answered back my hands still around his neck and his face inches away from mine.

"we're crazy." he smiled crookedly.

"I love it." I laughed pressing my forehead against his.

"I wouldn't want to change a thing." he answered with a smile.

Louis then carried me to the couch were I laid in hi lap as he played with my hair as we watched romantic comedy marathon. I laughed at the corny jokes and Louis made sarcastic remarks in everything that he thought was stupid.

when I first met Louis I would've never guessed that we would be sitting on the couch together watching a marathon of romantic comedies just after we were joking about getting married earlier. everything that me and Louis did together I would've never thought I would be doing. if you were to ask me two years ago what I would be doing in the future I would've never guessed this. and I'm actually extremely glad that my life turned out how it is today because I wouldn't have it any other way.

I feel like my chapters are getting shorter and shorter I'm sorry for the filler chapters ilysm and thanks for everything xoxo

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