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Unedited :/
"We should probably go." I mumbled as she pressed her soft lips on my neck. We were currently making out in front of her house and her parents could walk out at anytime and kill me for touching their little angel.

Ellie looked up at me her hazel eyes scanning over my face before pressing a quick kiss to my lips and sliding right back into the passenger seat. "Do you think we can get ice cream?" She asked with a crooked smile.

"You are something else babe." I laughed before pulling away from the curb and driving out of the neighborhood to find a shop where we could stop and get ice cream. I finally pulled up to a small ice cream shop that seemed to be open because a few other people were eating there. I didn't know why Ellie wanted ice cream at ten at night but she did and practically ran out of the car once I parked. I walked into the shop and Ellie was already ordering with a childish smile as she pointed to the mint ice cream and then another ice cream. I walked up behind her an gently placed my hand on her lower back telling her I was behind her and she melted into my touch.

"I got you strawberry." she commented. "I didn't know what to get you and I thought vanilla was too boring so I got you strawberry because I remember you eating a whole pint of it." she rambled before she thanked the cashier for our ice cream as I paid.

"Strawberry is fine." I said taking her hand into mine.

We sat down in the shop for a while talking and laughing before we finished and began to walk out to the car so we could head back to London. However I could tell that Ellie didn't want to go back to London she kept rambling on in the ice cream shop and now she was trying to convince me that we should go and take a walk or maybe drive to the beach because it was only an few hours away. "El? Why don't you want to go back to London?" I asked her stopping before we got to the car.

"I just want to spend more time with you. like when we are at the apartment I'm either doing homework or you're busy at the bar an we don't really have time to hang out and when we do one of us falls asleep while we watch reruns of some show. its just that I don't want to end up being that boring predictable couple. I'm sorry I'm stupid for saying this lets go home." she sighed taking my hand in hers trying to pull me towards the car.

I pulled her back into me and caught her because she was about to fall flat on her face over her own two feet. "babe we have nor ever be that predicable couple." I said pressing my lips to her as I felt her smile against me. "I wanna take you somewhere." i said pulling away and tucking a stay hair behind her ear.

She nodded quickly before skipping the few feet to the car as I walked quickly behind her. I didn't tell her were I wanted to take her because I didn't even know if we would get there. I mean I knew where I was going it's jut that it is almost eleven maybe midnight and here I am driving up the countryside trying to search through the pitch dark as Ellie watched out the window with strained eyes. "Lou where are we going?" She asked turning her head towards me as some remix of a popular song played softly on the radio.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you." I glanced over to her quickly.

Eventually I realized where I was as dawn started to peak through the clouds and I pulled over to the side of the road. Ellie was sleeping peacefully and when I say peacefully her mouth was wide open, her hair all over her face and a bit of drool coming from her mouth but she still looked like the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen. I shook her gently as her eyes slowly opened and looking around momentarily forgetting where she was but then opened her eyes more to realize where we were. "Louis..."she breathed out as she squinted her eyes looking out the window.

"C'mon." I said getting out of the car but keeping the headlights on so they could shine a path for us in the crisp night.

We walked side by side her pinky locked with mine as she looked around her like a newborn deer. she was so innocent and fragile, I was afraid to touch her because I thought that I might break her but she is so perfect and beautiful that I had to have her and care for her even though I did hurt her a few times. I promised myself when I first saw her again that I wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. that I wouldn't let this cruel and judgmental world take her and bring her down to their level. no, she was too pure for that.

"Look." She whispered as our shoulders brushed. I knew she was looking at the sunrise. "it's so beautiful. isn't it?" She asked her big round eyes still fixated on it.

"Yea truly a work of art." I whispered breaking the calm silence.

But I wasn't looking at the sunrise. hell I couldn't even give two shits about the sunrise. I was just looking at Ellie. she was the only thing that I thought was ten times more beautiful than a sunrise because she is my sunrise. the truth is I didn't even watch the sunrise I just watched as the colors danced across her skin making her seem so beautiful in that bright natural light that I had to take a picture mentally because she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. and she's all mine.

sorry this is short but guysss its my birthday tomorrow I will OFFICALLY be 17 at midnight tonight and I would just like to thank you all for reading and commenting and basically being the best people ever and I love you all you guys are all my best friends have a good night/day/afternoon ILYSM

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