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In this very moment she was breath taking. Her eyes shined bright as she smiled up at me before disappearing for a bit under the water but then to soon come up with her chocolate brown hair dripping wet and her skin glistening. It was a truly beautiful sight. I couldn't imagine anything more beautiful or breath taking. Not even the seven wonders of the world could take away my breath like she does time and time again. I couldn't take my eyes off of her as she swam gracefully in the water and I didn't want too. I could honestly stay at her all night and I would be alright. In fact I would rather stay with her here in this very moment for the rest of my life. Even with the chills running through my skin and the wrinkling of my skin, I would rather live this scene in my life for the rest of my life.

"Louis?" Ellie questioned breaking me out of my thought and my trance just looking at her. She swam towards me as her hands found my waist under water and she pulled herself closer to me until we were inches apart. "What are you staring at?"

"You." I spoke as I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She was honestly perfect. Even when her skin was makeup free. All of her blemishes made her more perfect, they showed that she was really here and not just a figure of my imagination. She was standing right in front of me her arms wrapped around me and her hair dripping slicked back with the water and she was all mine. All mine to hold, to talk too, and to kiss. She is all I have ever really wanted from my life, some one who I cam spend the rest of my life with and some one who can care for me and for me to care for.

"Why do I have like a booger on my face or something?" she questioned quickly raising her hand to her nose to rub it as if she had a booger that I was staring at and the color immediately rising to her cheeks.

"No, I was just thinking about how beautiful you are." I replied laughing lightly as I gently took her hand away from her face and held it in my hand.

"Shut up." she scoffed lightly splashing at me with her other hand.

"I'm serious." I spoke letting her hand drop into the water as my hands gripped her face so that she was looking directly into my eyes. "You are so beautiful it is breath taking." she looked up at me with wide eyes as they franticly scanned my face for any falter but I just stared directly back at her.

Ellie quickly pulled her face away from my hands before she splashed me and swam away from me, "You're just saying that so you can get into my pants." she said loudly as she floated in the water a few feet away from me. She was smiling at me and her eyes were glistening as she teased me.

I rolled my eyes before diving under water to swim to her as I grabbed her legs and pulled her under with me and she shot up with a small pout on her face as I laughed at her lightly. "Did it work?" I joke as she just smiled lightly before splashing me some more.

"You are such a dork." she teased as I gripped her hands so that she couldn't splash me anymore and she stuck her tongue out at me slightly. I guided her towards the pool wall where her shoulder blades gently hit the wall so that she was pinned between me and the wall.

"What did you say?" I questioned her with a smirk as I looked down at her. Her eyes went wide for a second then she squinted them a bit looking and my face.

"You. Are. A. Dork." she said slowly and with each word I pushed myself closer to her and she was pushed closer against the wall so that there was no wiggle room.

"Are you sure you want to say that?" I asked her as I watch her under me and she just nodded her head slightly. I watched as her eyes scanned my face and she opened her mouth to say something but closed it when I grabbed her legs and wrapped them around me. Then her expression changed and she was looking at me with wide eyes as I lead her arms to wrap around my neck. She opened her mouth to say something but I shook my head at her silently telling her not to speak. "I suppose I should teach you a lesson then. Shouldn't I?" I smirked as I felt her shiver in my arms. "I mean its only fair because it isn't nice to call people names even if it is just in teasing. You could've really hurt my feelings, luckily you didn't really and now all I can do is teach you a lesson. I can teach you this lesson however I want because im the boss." I spoke as I ran my hand through her hair and pushed her quickly against the pool wall when she let out a soft gasp. "But you cant make any noise while I teach you this lesson because that is impolite. And you're polite aren't you, baby girl?" I said moving closer to her as she nodded her head quickly as my lips skimmed over her skin. "That's right. You've always been a polite good girl for me." I smirked against her skin as my hands ran down her side and skimmed over her under wear as Ellie squirmed slightly against me. "Aren't we eager?" I chuckled lightly as I looked back up at Ellie as she was biting tightly on her bottom lip. "Don't do that baby girl." I said taking her chin in my hand and forcing her to look directly at me. "You know how that makes me feel." I spoke my fingers sliding ever so slowly into her underwear. My fingers skimmed over her as she squirmed again and I smirked as I softly pressed my lips to her neck and left a trail of soft kisses to her ear. "Do you want me to make you feel good?"


AHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH sorry I just had to leave it off there because couldn't handle it anymore so bam here's another poopy update and thank you all fro everything and I reached 100 followers this is great I love you alllllll

thanks for actually reading my poopy books and taking time out of your days to do so!!!! I THANK YOU ALL X123123465237 AND LOVE YOU AL X17382914762948233242

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