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I walked out of my last class completely exhausted even though it was only noon. I just wanted to go home and sleep then wake up at like eight at night and watch tv until the early morning then go to sleep again and then wake up for my night classes. I already had it all planed out.

that is until I saw Louis and I mentally slapped me. I forgot he was picking me up from school today because he was leaning against his car smoking but when he saw me he threw the cigarette on the ground and donors it out. I jogged over to him as he embraces me in a hug and tried to kiss me but I jerked back.

"you have cigarette breath." I said kissing his cheek then him laughing.

"sorry babe." he replied and opened the car door for me letting me in and him walking around front to the drivers side.

"I thought you were gonna quit." I mumbled softly.

"I tried but I can't." he shrugged pulling away from the school.

"try harder." I snapped looking at him.

he rolled his eyes and just kept driving you could feel the tension in the car and it was suffocating me. I didn't mean to snap at him I was jut tired and it is my fault that I brought his mood down. I was about to say something when he sighed and reached over and grabbed my hand before pressing it to his lips his eyes still on the road.

"I'm sorry." he whispered before lowering our hand so they rested intertwined on the center console.

I looked out the window to see where we were going before Louis pulled up to my apartment building and parked the car getting out and rushing over to my side to open the door. "you took a different way." I said as I got out his hand immediately finding mine.

"yea, it's a bit longer I didn't want to deal with traffic." he smiled as we walked inside.

I unlocked the door and walked in taking off my coat and beanie placing it on the counter and then taking off my shoes. I went to the living room and turned on the tv while Louis was raiding the kitchen for some food. he came back with a bag of ships and two cans of beer. I reached over and grabbed one but he grabbed my hand causing me to look at him.

"their both for me." he smiled smugly.

"sharing is caring." I smirked reaching for it but he pulled away.

"what are you gonna do for it?" he asked teasing.

with that I smirked and crawled over to him, straddling him. my hands were wrapped around his neck playing with his hair and my lips were dangerously close to his. while he was looking at me biting his lip my hand reached up a grabbed the beer can he was holding.

"I'm not gonna do anything." I laughed crawling off of him and opening the can with a smile.

"you're such a tease." Louis groaned before reaching for a bag of chips.

"thank you." I smiled placing the beer on the coffee table.

after a while of sitting around watching tv and talking I was about to fall asleep. I few minutes ago we changed the seating arrangements to where I was laying on Louis and he hand his arms around me. I was starting to fall asleep and it wasn't even five yet. Louis was playing with my hair and I was struggling to stay up. "I'm sorry I'm really boring." I yawned turning to look up at him.

"I'm just glad I'm with you." he said softly. "do you want to go to the bed?" he asked.

"Louis I'm not sure-" I started to say but he cut me off by laughing.

"to sleep Ellie." he grinned. "we will do that later." he winked before getting up and taking my hand in his.

he turned off the tv and we walking to the bed where I took off my pants leaving me in a white sweater and my fuzzy sock and he took off his pants and shirt leaving him in his boxers. we climbed into bed Louis immediately pulling me close to him. "my side of the bed now smells like your side of the bed." he laughed.

"yea I'm a restless sleeper." I yawned.

"Ellie I know I've slept with you before." he said pushing a few strands of hair that fell in my face.

"oh right sorry." I smiled kissing his neck tiredly.

"don't start something you won't finish." he said darkly causing me to smile against his skin.

I'm such a fucking tease.

sorry I know this is short and sucky I just wanted to end there and I did this really quick so I'll try to update again today.

anyways another small thing I was thinking about changing the cover for try hard you know it's a new year so why not change it why do you guys think???

comment & vote all that jazz and stay away from boys unless they are Louis Tomlinson and have a great new year ilysm xoxo

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